Where have all the burners gone? Curtis Wayka of the Menominee Indian Tribe and Caleb Schreiber of the U.S. Forest Service will discuss strategies to build up the workforce necessary for forest and fire management.
Curtis Wayka was born and raised on the Menominee Reservation and is an enrolled member of the Menominee Tribe. He has served as the Fuels Specialist for Menominee Tribal Enterprises since 2016. Before serving as the Fuels Specialist, he has worked in different positions within the Fuels and Fire programs, totaling 18 years of experience.
Caleb sits on the executive committee for Great Lakes Forest Fire Compact and the Big Rivers Forest Fire Compact as part of his job with the USFS Eastern Region State Private and Tribal Forestry Fire and Aviation Management Program. He has held fire management positions throughout the United States.
Hannah Spaul has been managing lands in Wisconsin and beyond with prescribed fire for more than 25 years for The Nature Conservancy. She is a founding member of the Wisconsin Prescribed Fire Council, a Co-PI on the Joint Fire Science Program Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savana Fire Consortia, and an avid pyro-tourist (one who travels for fun to visit fire-dependent and fire-managed areas).
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Menominee Prescribed Fire and Fuels – Wayka
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