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Prescribed Fire for Forest Management Series

Prescribed Burn Associations

Nov. 6, 2024 | 8:30-10 a.m. CT

Prescribed Burn Associations are critical for restoring fire adapted landscapes, imparting knowledge, and sharing resources. Join Ryan Mitchell and George Jensen from Tall Timbers as they discuss ways to regionally encourage and support private landowners to create sustainable and effective PBAs.


Ryan Mitchell

Southeast Private Lands Prescribed Fire Outreach Coordinator, Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy ​

Ryan Mitchell is the Southeast Private Lands Prescribed Fire Outreach Coordinator with Tall Timbers, where he works to increase the outreach capacity of the Private Lands Prescribed Fire team and with Tall Timbers coordinated Prescribed Burn Associations. Ryan has a B.S. in Wildlife Sciences and a Master of Natural Resources from Auburn University. He has an extensive background in educating, planning, and conducting prescribed burns and managing native forested systems across the southeast, including longleaf. He is a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, a Past-Chair of the Alabama Prescribed Fire Council, Certified Wildlife Biologist®, and a Commercial Pesticide Applicator in Alabama.

George Jensen

Southwest Georgia Prescribed Burn Association Coordinator, Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy ​

George Jensen, originally from Savannah, Georgia, grew up in Berlin, Wisconsin. George attended the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, where he studied Wildland Fire Science and Conservation Biology under Dr. Ron Masters. ​During this time, George had heavy involvement in the UWSP interagency fire crew, where he was an officer for two years; George burned with the crew in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Chicago, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. George also worked for the federal government on a fuels module and helit​​ack crew and did fire with WDNR. Upon graduation, George took a job as a Conservation Biologist for the Endangered Resources section of the WNDR and was also on the state burn team. George was also private lands biologist for the private sector in central Wisconsin. George attended graduate school for forestry at Mizzou under Dr. Ben Knapp. George worked his master’s tenure at the Jones Center at Ichauway, where he researched how Resistance, Resilience, and Transition silviculture treatments affect fire behavior and effects in longleaf pine ecosystems during atypically hotter and drier days. He also studied fine-scale fire effe​cts in patches of longleaf pine. Currently, George works for ​Tall Timbers as the Southwest Georgia Prescribed Burn Association Coordinator and is an Adjunct professor of ecology at Thomas University in Thomasville, Georgia.


Michael Tiller, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Forest and Fire Management, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Michael grew up in Northern California where he enjoyed an active outdoor lifestyle hunting, fishing, camping, and skiing in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains and coastal redwoods. He enjoyed a 10-year career with Cal Fire serving as a Firefighter and Fire Apparatus Engineer. In 2006, he moved to College Station, Texas where he attended Texas A&M University and earned a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science. After completing his B.S. degree, he attended Stephen F. Austin State University where he earned an M.S. degree in Environmental Science and Ph. D. in Forestry, both with a research focus on understory fuel flammability in forest and rangeland ecosystems. Michael also served as a Wildland Urban Interface Specialist for the Texas A&M Forest Service for 2-years where he was actively engaged with fuels management and prescribed burning. He recently accepted an Assistant Professor of Forest Ecology position at UW-Stevens Point where he leads the fire science program and serves as an adviser for the UWSP Fire Crew.

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