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Ecological Silviculture Webinar Series

Silviculture of Acadian Forests

June 18, 2025 | Noon-1 p.m. CT

Full description coming soon.


Bob Seymour, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Silviculture, Maine’s School of Forest Resources

Bob Seymour is the Curtis Hutchins Professor Emeritus of Silviculture, having retired from the University of Maine’s School of Forest Resources faculty in 2017 after 39 years of research, teaching and service. He writes a monthly column on silvicultural topics for Maine Woodlands, the newsletter for Maine Woodland Owners. Along with his wife, Jessica Leahy, Professor of Human Dimensions on the SFR faculty, he owns and manages 6 woodlots totaling nearly 700 acres in central Maine , including Wicopy Woods, Maine’s 2020 Outstanding Tree Farm in Sebec, Maine. Seymour was elected Fellow of the Society of American Foresters in 2008, and was honored with SAF Carl Alwin Schenck award for national excellence in college teaching of forestry in 2014. His YouTube channel catalogs educational videos of hands-on woodlot management and contains links to his hour-long webinars on irregular shelterwood, spruce-fir, and white pine silviculture, and managing forest carbon.


Brad Hutnik

Forest Ecologist/Silviculturist, Division of Forestry – Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Co-Host of SilviCast​

Brad Hutnik is a forest ecologist / silviculturist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Since 2012, Brad has served as a member of the WDNR Silviculture​​ Team.  As such, Brad currently works statewide on forest ecology and silviculture issues and has been involved with prescribed fire as a management tool throughout his career. Brad previously served as the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway forester (2002-2012) and worked as a staff forester at Clark Forestry, Inc. (1997-2002). Brad received a bachelor’s degree in forest management at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 1997. He is a Certified Silviculturist (USDA-FS) and co-host of UWSP’s SilviCast podcast.​​

Additional Resources

Continuing Education

We are seeking pre-approval for the following:

Certificates of completion are available by emailing Certificates will be emailed to you within 7-10 business days.


Seymour. R. S. 2024. Ecological Silviculture for Acadian Forests. Chapter 11 in Palik, B. J., D’Amato A. W. (eds).  Ecological Silvicultural Systems: Exemplary Models for Sustainable Forest Management.  John Wiley and Sons, LTD, Hoboken New Jersey, USA.

Ray, D, Seymour, R.S., Fraver, S., John-Pascal Berrill, J-P., Kenefic, L.S., Rogers, N.S., Weiskittel, A.W. 2023. Relative Density as a Standardizing Metric for the Development of Size-Density Management ChartsJournal of Forestry

Himes, A., Betts, M., Messier, C., and Seymour, R., 2022. Perspectives: Thirty years of triad forestry, a critical clarification of theory and recommendations for implementation and testing. Forest Ecology and Management, 510:120103.

McGrath, T., Pulsifer, M., Seymour, R., et al. 2021. Nova Scotia Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix, Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry. 193 p.

A synthases of Acadian spruce-fir literature

Additional publications from Bob Seymour

Bob Seymour’s YouTube channel



The Wisconsin Forestry Center and the webinar presenters appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. Please check back after the webinar for an evaluation link.

Thank You!

This series is possible through a grant from the Wisconsin SFI® Implementation Committee. The Mission of the Wisconsin SFI® Implementation Committee (WI SIC) is to promote and enhance SFI and sustainable forestry practices within Wisconsin through grassroots collaboration with stakeholders, partners, and those who benefit from managed forests. With a focus on SFI’s core SIC’s priorities, the WI SIC ensures that forests and their many benefits will perpetuate into the future.