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Ecological Silviculture Webinar Series

Northern Pine System Restoration

Mar. 19, 2025 | Noon-1 p.m. CT

Full description coming soon.


Brian J. Palik, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist Applied Forest Ecology, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station

Brian Palik is science leader for applied forest ecology with the USDA Forest Service-Northern Research Station, in Grand Rapids MN.  He has B.S. in biology from Alma College, an M.S. in plant ecology from Michigan State University, and Ph.D. in forest ecology from Michigan State University.  He works broadly on questions related to ecological sustainability and adaptability of managed forests through use of operational-scale and long-term silviculture research.



TBA soon

Bio coming soon

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Continuing Education

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Check back here after the webinar for additional resources.





The Wisconsin Forestry Center and the webinar presenters appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. Please check back after the webinar for an evaluation link.

Thank You!

This series is possible through a grant from the Wisconsin SFI® Implementation Committee. The Mission of the Wisconsin SFI® Implementation Committee (WI SIC) is to promote and enhance SFI and sustainable forestry practices within Wisconsin through grassroots collaboration with stakeholders, partners, and those who benefit from managed forests. With a focus on SFI’s core SIC’s priorities, the WI SIC ensures that forests and their many benefits will perpetuate into the future.