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Patricia Raymond is a Research Forester at the Forest Research Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests of Quebec since 2002. She obtained her Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Forest Science at Laval University in Quebec City. Her work focuses on the development of silvicultural systems adapted to temperate mixedwood forests. She experiments regeneration methods that aims at maintaining structural complexity and ecological functions in late-successional stands. She is also involved in rehabilitation and climate-focused silviculture with her recent work on abiotic and biotic constraints to assisted migration.
Greg Edge is a forest ecologist/silviculturist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-Division of Forestry. He has worked for the DNR for more than 32 years in a variety of roles, including as a forester, forest geneticist and nursery specialist, and area forestry leader. Greg graduated from UW-Stevens Point with a B.S. in forestry administration and received an M.S. in forest genetics from UW-Madison. Greg has completed the National Advanced Silviculture Program (NASP) and is a Certified Silviculturist through the U.S. Forest Service.
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Publications from Patricia Raymond, Ph.D.
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This series is possible through a grant from the Wisconsin SFI® Implementation Committee. The Mission of the Wisconsin SFI® Implementation Committee (WI SIC) is to promote and enhance SFI and sustainable forestry practices within Wisconsin through grassroots collaboration with stakeholders, partners, and those who benefit from managed forests. With a focus on SFI’s core SIC’s priorities, the WI SIC ensures that forests and their many benefits will perpetuate into the future.