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Mar. 17-Apr. 17, 2025

Mill Technology Immersion Training Program

The Mill Technology Immersion Training Program is geared toward people interested in an entry-level career in the forest products sector. It will prepare participants for cutting-edge sawmill operation and maintenance jobs. Participants will learn to turn logs into lumber for making trim, cabinets, and other products. Graduates of the program will earn a UW-Stevens Point certificate, other industry-recognized certificates, and credits that can be transferred to technical schools and UW-Stevens Point.​

Mill Technology Immersion Training Courses

The Mill Technology curriculum will be comprised of the following new or modified Northcentral Technical College classes for a total of 6 credits in 198 hours:
1 credit, 36 lab hours

Sawmill Safety & Maintenance

1 credit, 9 lecture hours, 18 lab hours

Sawmill Operations Overview

1 credit, 36 lab hours

Introduction to Hardwood Grading

1 credit, 9 lecture hours, 18 lab hours

Introduction to Kiln Drying

2 credits, 72 lab hours

Lumber Manufacturing: Sawing, Edging, and Trimming


The training program will be based at the Wood Technology Center of Excellence​ at Northcentral Technical College​ (NTC) in Antigo, Wis., the Midwest’s only primary-to-secondary wood manufacturing center. As part of the grant program, NTC is building a training sawmill that will be complete in 2024 and will be the only one of its kind in the country. It will feature a double-cut band head rig with a tilted carriage, horizontal resaw, pre-turning workstation, a fully-optimized edger, and a trim saw.

For More Information

Keith Turnquist

  • Workforce Development Program Manager
College of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Forestry Center