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Acadian Femelschlag

Season 6 | Episode 1

Acadian Femelschlag

January 10, 2025

German foresters sometimes named silvicultural systems after the region where the treatment was developed and practiced. So it is with the Acadian femelschlag, a locally developed gap-based system designed to restore species diversity and structure to the mixedwood Acadian forests of Maine and eastern Canada. Join us on this episode of SilviCast as we talk with Robert Seymour, Curtis Hutchins Professor Emeritus of Silviculture at the University of Maine, about what he has learned from over four decades of innovative silvicultural research and teaching in the Acadian forests.



Robert Seymour, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Silviculture, Maine’s School of Forest Resources

Bob Seymour is the Curtis Hutchins Professor Emeritus of Silviculture, having retired from the University of Maine’s School of Forest Resources faculty in 2017 after 39 years of research, teaching and service. He writes a monthly column on silvicultural topics for Maine Woodlands, the newsletter for Maine Woodland Owners. Along with his wife, Jessica Leahy, Professor of Human Dimensions on the SFR faculty, he owns and manages 6 woodlots totaling nearly 700 acres in central Maine , including Wicopy Woods, Maine’s 2020 Outstanding Tree Farm in Sebec, Maine. Seymour was elected Fellow of the Society of American Foresters in 2008, and was honored with SAF Carl Alwin Schenck award for national excellence in college teaching of forestry in 2014. His YouTube channel catalogs educational videos of hands-on woodlot management and contains links to his hour-long webinars on irregular shelterwood, spruce-fir, and white pine silviculture, and managing forest carbon.

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Episode Show Notes

Seymour. R. S. 2024. Ecological Silviculture for Acadian Forests. Chapter 11 in Palik, B. J., D’Amato A. W. (eds).  Ecological Silvicultural Systems: Exemplary Models for Sustainable Forest Management.  John Wiley and Sons, LTD, Hoboken New Jersey, USA.

Ray, D, Seymour, R.S., Fraver, S., John-Pascal Berrill, J-P., Kenefic, L.S., Rogers, N.S., Weiskittel, A.W. 2023. Relative Density as a Standardizing Metric for the Development of Size-Density Management ChartsJournal of Forestry

Himes, A., Betts, M., Messier, C., and Seymour, R., 2022. Perspectives: Thirty years of triad forestry, a critical clarification of theory and recommendations for implementation and testing. Forest Ecology and Management, 510:120103.

McGrath, T., Pulsifer, M., Seymour, R., et al. 2021. Nova Scotia Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix, Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry. 193 p.

A synthesis of Acadian spruce-fir literature

Additional publications from Bob Seymour

Bob Seymour’s YouTube channel


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