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Stocking Charts on Napkins

Season 3 | Episode 1 | January 30, 2022

A conversation with Dr. Susan Stout, Emeritus Research Forester and Project Leader at the U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station, who has conducted applied silvicultural research in forests of the eastern United States for over 30 years. One constant has run through Dr. Stout’s research; collaboration between field managers and scientists holds the key to unlocking challenging problems and finding practical solutions. Join us in this episode of SilviCast as we explore with Dr. Stout the things she has learned on topics ranging from stocking charts to deer.




Susan Stout

Emeritus Research Forester and Project Leader, U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station

From 1981 through 2018, Dr. Susan L. Stout was a research forester with the US Forest Service Research and Development Project in Irvine, Penn. In 1991, she was named project leader. Her research interests include relative density, natural regeneration, and the interactions of deer, people, and forests. She has also been active on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in natural resources professions.

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