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About Silvicast

SilviCast is a podcast devoted to silviculture: the science, practice, and art of forestry. We explore current topics in forest management, highlight innovative practices, and interview practitioners and researchers aiming to solve challenges facing today’s managers. Our goal is to help foresters translate current research into reality. The show is tailored specifically for foresters and other land managers, whether it’s listening at the office or in the truck on the way to the field.

Produced by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point’s Wisconsin Forestry Center and hosted by Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources silviculturists Greg Edge and Brad Hutnik, SilviCast is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, YouTube Music, and many other platforms.



Greg Edge

Silviculturist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Greg Edge is a forest ecologist/silviculturist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-Division of Forestry. He has worked for the DNR for more than 30 years in a variety of roles, including as a forester, forest geneticist and nursery specialist, and area forestry leader. Greg graduated from UW-Stevens Point with a B.S. in forestry administration and received an M.S. in forest genetics from UW-Madison. Greg has completed the National Advanced Silviculture Program (NASP) and is a Certified Silviculturist through the U.S. Forest Service. In his spare time, Greg calls Brad to debate their diametrically opposing views on silviculture.

Brad Hutnik

Silviculturist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Brad Hutnik is a forest ecologist / silviculturist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-Division of Forestry. Brad previously served as the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway forester and worked as a staff forester at Clark Forestry, Inc. Brad received a bachelor’s degree in forest management at UW-Stevens Point. He has completed the National Advanced Silviculture Program (NASP) and is a Certified Silviculturist through the U.S. Forest Service. If you have a chance to have a nightcap with Brad and Greg, don’t think work ends when the drinks are poured. Silviculture never sleeps!

Joe Rogers

SilviCast Audio Editor

Behind the scenes at SilviCast, Joe Rogers serves as the audio editor. Rogers graduated from UW-Stevens Point in 2006 with a degree in business administration and joined Sentry Insurance that same year. He was infected with the podcasting bug in 2009 and has been editing and producing podcasts and videos ever since. After 15 years with Sentry, he left in 2021 to pursue freelance projects. When he’s not spending time with his patient wife, Kelly, or curious 7-year-old, Dane, you can find him playing tabletop miniature games, cooking ethnic cuisines, administering Salesforce orgs, hiking (quite moderate) inclines, designing games, or reading just about anything. 

SilviCast Resources


Have a question for our hosts? How about an idea for a future episode? Let us know, we’d love to hear from you. Send a note to our Dropbox with your questions, comments, or ideas.

SilviCast CEUs

SilviCast offers CEUs/CFEs for listening to episodes. Here’s how it works:

  1. Listen to any episode.
  2. Register and pay $10 for the CEU quiz on the episode’s webpage.
  3. Take the quiz (you will have 1 attempt and need to obtain at least a 70%).
  4. Print your certificate of completion.
  5. Submit the certificate to your organization of choice.

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