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Promoting vibrant, sustainable forests and forest-based economies

The Wisconsin Forestry Center is an outreach center in the College of Natural Resources at UW-Stevens Point and is supported in part by the UW-Madison Division of Extension.

The WFC is dedicated to serving the needs of Wisconsin’s forestry community. We focus on partner-driven professional development, workforce recruitment and development, applied research, and community outreach initiatives.


Schmeeckle Reserve | Stevens Point, Wis.

Applied Forestry for the High School Classroom

Apr. 16, 2025 | 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

WFC and LEAF are teaming up to offer a free, collaborative forestry educational experience! Come learn about hands-on lessons offered by LEAF and experiential workforce recruitment curriculum created by the WFC as part of a Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation workforce innovation grant. Participants will engage in a selection of lessons from both curricula and see how these two organizations teamed up to create an exceptional forestry education resource. Register today for this hands-on, skills-based experience.

Three turkeys strutting on land that was recently burned in a prescribed fire.

Prescribed Fire for Forest Management Webinar Series


This webinar series explores several facets of prescribed fire related to forests and forest management. Foresters and land managers have many management tools at their disposal. A tool that’s often overlooked is prescribed fire. Prescribed fire for forest management is important for ​ecosystem health, forest regeneration, wildlife habitat, forest health, and disease control. Join us for insightful discussions with national experts as we discuss forest management using prescribed fire. Learn some of the practical knowledge of where, when, why, and how to apply fire in forest ecosystems. 

Join us​ for the next webinar on April 2 where we examine the relationship between Fire and Turkeys with Marcus Lashley, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UF D.E.E.R. Lab, Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, University of Florida and Michael J. Chamberlain, Ph.D., National Wild Turkey Federation Distinguished Professor, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia. This session will be moderated by Tommy Gunn, Great Lakes Oak Ecosystem Forester, American Bird Conservancy.



Applied Ecological Silviculture Webinar Series


Foresters and land managers are increasingly entrusted with implementing forestry practices that meet a variety of ecological objectives. Ecological silviculture is the toolbox managers can use to maintain the structure, composition, function, and dynamics of natural forest ecosystems. Join us for insightful discussions with national experts as we expand our understanding of silviculture based on natural disturbance models and ecological principles. This six-part webinar series will culminate with follow-up workshops to review on-the-ground examples that utilize these principles.

Join us​ for the next webinar on Apr. 16 when John M. Katrick, Ph.D. discusses “Open Forest Restoration.”


Line of Sight

March 1, 2025

It’s hard to turn around these days without seeing or reading something about UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Drones are becoming an increasingly important tool in many fields, including within the practice of silviculture. On this episode of SilviCast we explore the soaring use of drones for site preparation and release treatments. Join us for a conversation with Rick Hill, Regional Silviculturist and Reforestation Specialist with Michigan DNR and Kyle Schempp, Project Manager and Drone Pilot at Wildlife and Wetland Solutions.


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