UW-Stevens Point Testing Services administers nationally standardized academic and employment tests, college placement tests for the whole UW system, and other formal evaluations. Our office serves both UWSP students and members of the community who may need to take a structured test in a secure environment.
For information about a standardized test you may wish to take, click the appropriate tab on the left. If you have questions about registration, fees, or materials you should bring to your test day, please feel free to contact our office for more information.
If you have questions, call us at 715-346-4472.
First-year Students
Welcome to UW-Stevens Point as a new student! All incoming first-year students admitted to UW-Stevens Point are required to complete placement tests in Math and English. Depending on your course of study you may also be required to take an exam in a Foreign Language. These tests are designed to place you in the most appropriate college level courses. Testing must be completed before you can register for classes. Retakes are available in Math and English if needed.
You will receive information about your testing options beginning in March.
There is a $45.00 placement test fee that will be charged to your UWSP Fall billing statement for first-year students as part of your tuition and fees.
To request accommodations due to a disability on the University of Wisconsin placement tests, please follow these instructions:
DO NOT REGISTER for the placement tests online until you have emailed the information below and received a response from our office. Email the following information to Tim O’Connor at tnoconno@wisc.edu (only do steps 1-6 if you need accommodations).
- Name
- Email address that you will use for placement testing registration.
- Date of birth
- Campus you are planning to attend.
- Accommodations being requested
- Documentation verifying the disability and need for the accommodations. This should be either a letter on High School letterhead from your counselor or someone else at the school familiar with your accommodations stating what those accommodations have been for tests such as the ACT or a current 504 plan or IEP (Individualized Education Plan). The 504 Plan or IEP must be from within the last three years.
General Instructions (not for people needing accommodations):
Verify which tests you are advised to take. For Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 students, please take Math A and English.
1. Once you know which tests you need to take, you will need your UW Stevens Point campus login to access the registration form. If you have not already set up your campus login, you will need to contact the UW Stevens Point Help Desk at 715-346-4357 for assistance.
2. You will need to use your campus login (username & password) to login and register for all the exams you need. You should choose math test A online, once registered, you should receive an email from Meazure Learning, the company who delivers the exams, with your exam login information within 2 business days. English and World Languages placement testing are also available online.
3. Complete all exams at least 2 weeks prior to your advising appointment to ensure scores are received in time.
4. If you believe you may be exempt from taking the UW-System Placement Exams you must contact academic advising at 715-346-3226.
5. If you lose or cannot remember your login information from Meazure Learning, you will need to contact the Madison Placement Testing office at 608-262-5863.
6. You can do the tests on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet. A phone is not recommended.
7. The exams are available on-demand and you do not need to complete all of your exams in 1 sitting. You are provided 90 minutes each for math & English and 60 minutes for World Languages. You may take a break between tests, but not during a test, as the timer will continue running. Upon completing a test, you must submit the exam in order for us to receive your scores. Failure to submit you answers could result in a delay of transmission of these scores and the opportunity to schedule your academic advising appointment.
8. If you experience technical difficulties during the test, Meazure Learning customer support contact information can be found in the email confirmation from your registration. Staff will be available Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time, Friday from 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time, excluding holidays. Voicemail will accept student inquiries outside of these business hours.
9. Your scores will be shared with you during your academic advising appointment. You can register for these options below beginning mid-March.
Regional Placement Testing
Registration opens in March for student enrolling in Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 If you have questions, please call 715-346-4472.
Transfer or Nontraditional Students
UWSP Testing Services offers placement testing for transfer students and non-traditional students. You can call 715-346-4472 for additional information.
National testing programs are open to all UWSP students, students from other schools & persons in the local/regional community. Tests administered through Testing Services include the ACT, PSI exams, CLEP exams, GRE, Law School Admission Test (LSAT), MAT, Praxis 1 Core, Praxis II, TOEFL, UW Regional Placement Tests, Pearson Vue, Comira and PAN.
Computer Based Testing (CBT)
Our CBT Center is open Monday through Friday 8am – 4:30pm during the academic year and 8am-2pm during the summer. The GRE, Praxis 1 Core and Praxis II are offered most days, with the TOEFL exams being offered on set dates. Some of the exams have continuous scheduling and others have discrete windows of administration.
For information and to register for the Praxis 1 Core and Praxis II, go to: www.ets.org/praxis/register/computer
For information and to register for the GRE go to: www.gre.org
For information and to register for PSI exams go to: www.psiexams.com
For information and to register for the TOEFL exam go to: www.toefl.org
For information and to register for tests offered through Pearson Vue go to: www.pearsonvue.com
For information and to register for tests offered through Comira go to: www.comiratesting.com
For information and to register for tests offered through PAN (Performance Assessment Network) such as US Postal Service testing and TSA screening for airports, go to: www.panpowered.com
For information and to register for CLEP (College Level Exam Program) go to www.collegeboard.org/clep you will also need to request a date and time through our office. Call 715-346-4472
For information regarding the MAT (Miller Analogies Test) go to www.milleranalogies.com you will also need to contact our office to register for the test. Call 715-346-4472
Paper and Pencil Based Testing
Paper/Pencil based testing is done on Saturdays during the school year and into the summer. These tests include the ACT, GRE subject exams and Law School Admission Test.
For information and to register for the ACT go to: www.actstudent.org
For information and to register for the GRE subject exams go to: www.gre.org
For information and to register for the Law School Admission Test go to: www.lsac.org
The UWSP Testing Service is located on the 3rd floor of Delzell Hall, adjacent to the Counseling Center. The 3rd floor of Delzell Hall is only accessible via elevator.
UWSP Testing Services
3rd Floor, Delzell Hall
910 Fremont St.
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
For maps of streets, buildings, and parking go to: www.uwsp.edu/landing/pages/campusmap.aspx
Parking Information:
Test takers may park in Lot Z behind Delzell Hall, located at 910 Fremont Street. Park at any parking meter and use the Passport Parking App to pay. Directions are located on the side of each meter. Street parking is also available in the area.
Lot Z provides up to 4 hours of parking time. Lot R is also located nearby on the corner of Portage Street and Reserve Street. Meters in Lot R allow for greater parking time (more than 4 hours).
Contact Information:
If you have questions about any of the tests, registration procedures or services offered by UWSP Testing Services, contact Kim Zorn, the Test Administrator at 715-346-4472. You may also email her at kzorn@uwsp.edu.