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Students who speak more than one world language, study abroad, and build expertise in a second field, develop promising career opportunities.

Our Programs

The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers majors in Spanish and German and courses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish, and Teaching English as a Second Language.

English as a Second Language

Demand for ESL teachers in Wisconsin is greater than the supply so there this career area has 100% job placement.

Language Study Interdisciplinary Certificate

Interdisciplinary study provides a solid foundation in language-related areas such as linguistics, rhetoric, psychology, sociology, philosophy, communication, and foreign languages.


World Languages and Literatures faculty are engaged and committed to student success. Faculty offer outstanding support to our students’ professional preparation.

Where do I start?

Taking the language placement test is a great idea while your high school language is still fresh in your mind. This guide will determine your next class.

Department Scholarships

Scholarships in the Department of World Languages and Literatures can either require an application, submission of essay or poetry, or be granted by faculty nominations.

Peer-to-Peer Support

World Language tutors are available each week to assist with course material. Make friends with other learners!

Collaborative Language Program

The Collaborative Language Program offers interactive language courses hosted by other UW campuses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Russian.
“It helps shape your world view. Living abroad you learn to appreciate others at a new level and develop more acceptance and understanding for others.”
Ellie Mancheski, ’12 German Teaching Major


Internships Available

Have an interest in serving with our Stevens Point community partners? Our students have connected with intern experiences working for:

  • Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners
  • USA Summer Camp, Guy Healey, Japan
  • Portage County Literacy Council
  • Ethiopian Development Council
  • Stevens Point School District – EA Spanish/Bilingual Translator

Get more information here.


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Connect Globally

Benefits to learning another language extend far beyond vocabulary and linguistics. Multilingualism is a key to opening career opportunities around the globe.

Global Seal of Biliteracy

Earn an internationally recognized language credential in Spanish, German, French, Russian, Japanese, or Chinese.

Fulbright Scholarships

Our Fulbright Fellowships, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, offer a range of funding possibilities for American students interested in pursuing studies outside of the United States.

Immersion Opportunities

Language teaching majors have a language immersion requirement from the Department of Public Instruction. These opportunities provide students with more intensive language acquisition and cultural immersion experiences.

Meet Your Faculty

Faculty in the Department of World Languages and Literatures have extensive experience and are committed to providing individual attention in small classes.

Thomas Leek

  • Associate Professor of German

Renée Craig-Odders

  • Professor of Spanish
  • Basic Second Language Proficiency certificate director

Tobias Barske

  • Assistant Dean, School of Humanities and Global Studies
  • Professor of German Applied Linguistics
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Lara Armenteros-Garrido

In the News