Committees are groups of representatives charged with a specific function or an area of oversight. Student Government committees are organized by students to work on issues pertaining to specific facets of campus concerning students. Committee representatives can be students, faculty members, and staff members. While all senators need to be part of a committee, not all student committee members are necessarily senators. Any student can become involved in a committee, contact us if you are interested or just show up.
Committees do a variety of things, including:
- Planning events
- Research students’ concerns and needs
- Recommend policy changes
- Carry forward new and existing initiatives
- Create legislation
We promote the Student Government Association through all forms of media including web, social media, press releases, newsletters, posters, Student Message of the Day, and any others. Tune in to our show on 90FM for an update on Student Government and issues pertaining to student life.
90FM Schedule: TBD
Connect with us on UWSP SGA Facebook
The Constitution Review Committee will meet every year and passively review the Student Government Association (SGA) Bylaws and Constitution. During odd years, the committee will actively review and make changes to all SGA governing documents. In the Fall of 2021, the Constitutional Review Committee will be reviewing all documents (Constitution, Bylaws, Judicial Bylaws, etc).
The Constitutional Review Committee is made up of the Student Body President, Speaker of the Senate, Chief Justice, a Senator from each College (CLS, CPS, CNR, & COFAC), and is chaired by the Executive Director.
Speaker of the Senate Matt Rogers |
Student Body President Benjamin Koenig |
Caucus Chair Mikkonen |
Caucus Chair Harley Zanon |
Caucus Chair Connor Mckenzie |
Head Justice Mason Garrigan |
Executive Director Amber Cronce*
* – Denotes Chair
The Environmental and Sustainability Issues Committee writes legislation, educates the student body, and commits to fostering change and growth in the Stevens Point Area in order to create a more resilient campus and community.
This year, the committee has been working individual projects that focus on sustainability in the community and beyond. These include Sustainable Garden project planning, Divestment work, a Bike Share Program, planning for Sustainability Week, recycling and upcycling programing, Social/Environmental Justice Coffee and Culture, as well as writing legislation for Plastic Bags.
If you are at all interested in discussing the above topics or have topics you think we should be addressing, please come and join us! We are open to all students, from all colleges. Sustainability pertains to every member of the campus community so active participation at our meetings is highly encouraged. If you have questions, please contact the director/chair as listed above.
Current Staff Committee Member: Dave Barbier – Sustainability Coordinator
Current Committee Members: TBD
The Inclusivity Committee reviews and creates policy dealing with inclusivity. They will review and advise University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point administration, faculty, and student body on any changes needed to policy or practices to foster a more inclusive campus. Other duties for this group are determined by the Chair and Committee.
Some of the initiatives this committee is working on include…
- Accessibility Tour
- Indigenous Land Recognition Statement
- Working to advise administration and faculty how to make our campus more inclusive.
Current Committee Members: TBD
*Denotes Chair
The Legislative Affairs Committee assist the Legislative Affairs Director in researching legislation at the local, state, and federal levels. They review and draft Student Government Association positions in the form of resolutions or letters on any legislation of concern to the Student Body of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The Committee assists the Legislative Affairs Director in promoting all elections, Student Government Association, local, state, and federal. During election years, they will serve as the Get Out the Vote (GOTV) committee. Other duties for this group are determined by the Chair and Committee.
Topics to be discussed this school year:
- Looking over the legislative agenda for the upcoming year
- Looking at the UW system budget
- Lobby legislators to inform about UWSP issues and for students’ rights
- Contacting legislators to come to campus
Current Committee Members: Leo Rivera-Pacheco*
*Denotes Chair
Supplemental Materials:
Draft Letter Example
Tips for Contacting your Legislators about Allocable Segregated Fees
UWSP SIEO List of Student Organizations
- Meetings are TBD
- Pay by cell technology
- Cost of permits
- Retired faculty permit issue
- Increasing number of student-friendly parking locations
Current Committee Members: Jean Xiong*
*Denotes Chair
- Student Organization Application Process
- Student Organization Awards
- Policy Upkeep project
Please contact us at student.life.affairs.director@uwsp.edu for more information!
Current Committee Members: Jean Xiong*
*Denotes Chair
The Rules Committee sets and publishes the agenda for the Senate meetings 24 hours prior to each meeting. Preliminary hearings of all disciplinary actions and impeachment with the explicit exception of Executive Staff issues. Along with, handling the administrative removal of Senators. They review all applications for Senators or Student Interest Representatives seeking appointment. Be available to answer any questions an applicant may have prior to the applicant coming up for approval by the Senate. The committee reviews all legislation by standing committees and has the authority to decide whether the Bill shall be returned to the author, the committee, or placed on New Business. All amendments to governing document approved by Rules Committee shall be brought to Constitutional Review Committee as an informational item.
Chair: Matt Rogers**
Current Committee Members:
Lexi Kurzewski
Harley Zanon
Connor McKenzie
Amber Cronce*
**Denotes Chair
*Denotes Non-Voting Member
The voting body of the Student Health Advisory Committee is the official representative body of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point students on all matters concerning student health and wellness. This committee serves as an advisory committee to all relevant departments on matters concerning the seven dimensions of wellness: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social-Cultural, Career/Financial, Environmental, and Spiritual. They represent students’ interests in health and wellness policy-making to ensure the highest quality possible. This committee conducts a Survey of the Student Body every year to assess knowledge of health and wellness and/or the services offered by the University. They promote the seven dimensions of wellness on campus and the departments that support these departments. Other duties for this group are determined by the Chair and Committee.
- Working with Student Affairs Wellness Team to raise awareness for the Seven Dimensions of Wellness
- Conducting a Student Health Services Survey to determine best practices
- Collaborating with Counseling Center to prepare a positive psychology presentation for the residence halls
- Helping to prepare and compile information for social media outreach for the Counseling Center
- Conducting Bystander Intervention Training for students across campus
- Collaborating with the Dean of Student’s Office to host a Sexual Assault/Partner Violence Prevention event
Chair: Grace Witt
The Student Life Affairs Committee reviews and advises on student life policy. They review and advocate for policy dealing with concerns regarding the student experience and student life here at UWSP. Other duties for this group are determined by the Chair and Committee.
- Discussing:
- Pink Week
- Bus Driver Appreciation
- Sexual Assault Awareness
- College PADS and off campus housing
Chair: Jean Xiong
SUFAC is responsible for approving all allocable segregated fee distribution, review existing and new non-allocable allocation decisions made by NUFAS, approve any proposed inter-institutional fees, and passively review auxiliary fees budgets to ensure working knowledge. Within the allocable segregated fee distribution, SUFAC will make decisions on the modification of Student Organizations and Subsidy Departments budgets, as well as make decisions on SGA Reserve Accounts.
Chair: Brianna Ehmiller
Current Committee Members: Ashley Authement, Amber Cronce, Matt Rogers, Julia DeAngelis, Maverick Delain, Brody Erola
Professional Staff Members: Amber Lenard and Brian Watkins
The University Centers Advisory and Policy Board reviews and creates University Centers policy. They work with the University Centers community to address all stakeholders’ needs as much as is possible. After passing through the legislative process, all policy decisions to be implemented are to be distributed to all members, areas directly affected, the Director of the University Centers, and to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. Other duties for this group are determined by the Chair and Committee.
- URS Space proposals
- Computer Lab space and usage renewal
- UCAPB Policy upkeep project
- Student support for Centers
Chair: Jean Xiong
Current Committee Members and Seats:
University Centers Student Director (Chair) – Jean Xiong
Student Government Association Senator – TBD
Student Government Association Senator – TBD
Allen Center Representative -TBD
Disability Services Student Representative -TBD
Diversity and College Access Representative -TBD
Non-Traditional Student Representative -TBD
Residence Hall Association Representative -TBD
University Centers Student Employment Coordinator -TBD
University Centers Student Employee from Operations or Programming -TBD
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Alumni Association Representative – TBD
Full-time University Centers Staff Representative – TBD
Current Committee Adviser: TBD
The Academic Affairs Committee reviews and creates academic policy. They review and create policy dealing with student academic concerns and any further academic policy. Also, they review Course Evaluations for student reference twice a year. Other duties for this group are determined by the Chair and Committee.
- Faculty and Staff Appreciation
- Academic Advising
- Attendance Policy
- Honors Program
Chair: Hailey Bay
Committee Members: TBD
The purpose of this form is to report Incidents of bias or hate crimes occurring on or off campus to the University’s Bias Response Team.
Bias and Hate Form: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UnivofWisconsinStevensPoint&layout_id=2