The program curriculum includes four 3-credit courses for a total of 12 credits of geospatial techniques courses. The certificate can be completed in two or four semesters, depending on the schedule that works best for you. All courses are full semester (16-week) courses and are taught in an asynchronous, online format. View the UWSP course catalog for more information.
Program graduates will meet various Tier 4 and Tier 5 Geospatial Competencies, furthering your readiness to sit for the GISP Exam. After completing the GIS Professional Certificate program, you will be able to:
- Develop digital geospatial data that represent real-world phenomena and address organizational tasks and societal needs.
- Communicate geographic information using geospatial tools, data and cartographic techniques.
- Analyze aerial imagery using digital image processing and photogrammetric techniques.
- Analyze geospatial conditions, patterns, trends, and relationships.
- Apply geospatial technologies to address societal problems.
GEOG 541: Geographic Information Systems I (3-Credits)
Develop, use and maintain a geographic-based spatial information system (GIS) for resource management. Acquire and assess spatial data. Compare raster and vector data models. Computer-based geographic data handling, analysis, interpretation, and display. Cartographic spatial modeling.
Students who have taken an introductory level course or who have sufficient experience with GIS may apply to test out of GEOG 541.
Offered in Fall semesters.
GEOG 577: Remote Sensing I (3-Credits)
Characteristics of aerial photographs and digital imagery. Use remote sensing materials to conduct resource inventories, land use evaluations, and landform analysis.
Offered in Fall semesters.
GEOG 742: GIS Database Design and Modeling (3-Credits)
GIS data modeling and database design, creation, maintenance, and integration using desktop GIS and database management software.
Prerequisite: GEOG 541
Offered in Spring semesters.
GEOG 743: Advanced Geospatial Techniques (3-Credits)
Advanced geospatial techniques for problem solving. Integration of digital databases to implement and visualize complex cultural and environmental geospatial analytics and models.
Prerequisite: GEOG 541
Offered in Spring semesters.