School of Performing Arts
Dance Minor
Theoretical studies, 6 credits
Performance and choreography, 13 credits
Electives, 8 credits
Choose from:
See description.
Consists of 27 credits.
This minor is administered by the area of Dance in the School of Performing Arts.
UW-Stevens Point dance faculty work with students to re-evaluate technique and explore new approaches to training at a high level. This re-evaluation includes training with optimal anatomical alignment that supports injury-free dancing. Students also develop the ability to work as a part of an ensemble, the ability to work openly and honestly with other dancers, the ability to be flexible in the artistic process with choreographers, directors, rehearsal assistants, and the ability to collaborate successfully with other artists and technicians.
Michael Estanich
- Department Chair – Theatre and Dance
- Professor – Dance
- Program Coordinator BA Dance
Department of Theatre & Dance
Jeannie Hill
College of Fine Arts & Communication, Department of Theatre & Dance, School of Performing Arts
Sarah Olson
- Assistant Professor – Dance
College of Fine Arts & Communication, Department of Theatre & Dance, School of Performing Arts
Pamela Luedtke
- Associate Lecturer – Dance
- Pilates Faculty and Training Center Co-Director
Department of Theatre & Dance, School of Performing Arts
Founded in 1981, the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD) is an organization of schools, conservatories, colleges, and universities with approximately 84 accredited institutional members. It establishes national standards for undergraduate and graduate degrees and other credentials for dance and dance-related disciplines, and provides assistance to institutions and individuals engaged in artistic, scholarly, educational, and other dance-related endeavors.
The College of Fine Arts and Communication at UW-Stevens Point is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Dance.