College of Letters and Science
Social Work – Online Degree
UW-Stevens Point’s Social Work Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Students develop skill in working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities as well as advancing human rights, engaging in policy practice, using evidence-based strategies, and striving for inclusivity and equity across society.
With the convenience of a 100% online degree pathway, students have maximum flexibility. Most classes are offered asynchronously, with no meeting times, while some have a synchronous component offered via Zoom. Canvas is used as an educational platform.
UWSP Program Requirements*:
Consists of 64 credits in core social work, required supporting courses, and electives. *Students will take online individual courses to fulfill general education credits and supplement on-campus coursework. Course credit will not be granted for life experience or previous work experience. Students must meet the following requirements:
- Core Courses: SW 261, SW 262, SW 303, SW 316, SW 359, SW 361, SW 362, SW 365, SW 376, SW 377 or SW 385, SW 494, SW, 495
- Supporting Courses: POLI 101, PSYC 110 and SOC 101.
SOC 270 or SOC 327
SOC 351 or PSYC 300 and
SOC 352 or SW 352
- Choose 3 additional elective credits: SW 381, SW 383, SW 384 or SW 387
You can find more information about the UWSP general education program by visiting the UWSP General Education page. View UW-Stevens Point course catalog.
Work at Your Pace
Your online degree in Social Work provides you the flexibility to start or complete your degree fully online with instructors who are highly interactive in the remote learning environment. In addition to a regular 4-year plan of study, part-time and accelerated options are available.
Accredited Program
The B.A. and B.S. majors in Social Work are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
Get Involved on Campus
The Phi Alpha Honor Society provides a closer bond among students of social work and promotes humanitarian goals and ideals. The Sociology and Social Work Organization involves students in extra-curricular activities related to sociology and social work. Or you can view many other opportunities for student engagement on the link.
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The UWSP Social Work program is designed to prepare students for entry-level professional social work as well as graduate study in social work. Students typically apply for acceptance into the program during their sophomore year. Learn more here!
All students are required to complete at least 400 hours of internship in an approved agency and meet in a weekly seminar each semester that they are interning. Internships can take place in the student’s home community. The Department of Sociology and Social Work has established relationships with more than 70 community agencies in Central Wisconsin and beyond, involving many different client populations.
Social Work graduates are in demand, with a faster than average growth rate of 9 percent projected from 2021-2031 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Nationwide, social and community service manager openings are projected to increase 16 percent from 2022-2030. (Lightcast)
Typical jobs held by graduates include:
- Health Education Specialist: $48,860 median salary
- Probation Officer: $60,250 median salary
- Social Worker: $50,390 median salary
- Rehabilitation Counselor: $38,560 median salary
- Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder Counselor: $48,520 median salary
- Social and Community Service Manager: $74,000 median salary
- School and Career Counselor: $60,510 median salary
- Community Health Worker: $48,860 median salary
- Social and Human Service Assistant: $37,610 median salary
Our graduates have worked for companies including:
- Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
- Marshfield Health System
- Family Crisis Center
- North Central Health Care
- Behavioral Health Clinic
- Mendota Mental Health Institute
- Heartland Home Care & Hospice
- Aspirus Wausau Hospital
- Taylor County Human Services
Fulfill the requirements for your AAS degree, fully online and easily transition into a bachelor’s degree program at UW-Stevens Point! A minimum of 60 credits is required to complete the AAS and at least 24 of the 60 credits must be earned in the collaborative AAS online degree program. It’s a great way to complete your general education requirements, online at your own pace.
Meet Your Faculty
UW-Stevens Point social work faculty have a broad range of experience within the field. Our Social Work faculty members hold a MSW/MSSW in social work, and several hold a Ph.D. or DSW in social work. They have expertise in mental health, substance use disorders, hospice and medical social work, school social work, and public child welfare. Students admitted into the social work major will be assigned one of the full-time social work faculty members as an adviser.
Jess Bowers
- Associate Professor
- BSW Program Director
- Department of Sociology and Social Work field coordinator
Amy Zlimen Ticho
- Professor
- Chair, Department of Sociology and Social Work
- MSW Program Director
Tara Anderson
- Assistant Professor
- Coordinator, Substance Use and Addiction Studies Minor
School of Behavioral and Social Sciences