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School of Health Sciences and Wellness Nursing Degree


Help patients maintain and recover their health and well-being

When you choose nursing at UW-Stevens Point, you will find a path to your BSN that is cost effective, flexible and supportive. Students can pursue pre-nursing with our 1+2+1 partnership program or RN to BSN completion for those with an Associate Degree in Nursing completed or in progress. Pre-nursing students start classes at UWSP, transition to the local technical college for four semesters of RN classes then finish their BSN degree with UWSP.

Northcentral Technical college students working on a manikan.


Request information and start your journey to making an impact with a degree in nursing from UW-Stevens Point.


Why choose Nursing at UW-Stevens Point?

When you choose nursing at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, you’ll have two options: pre-nursing (provides prerequisite courses for admission to schools of nursing) or the Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion program designed for associate degree or diploma registered nurses.

UW-Stevens Point also offers the pre-nursing program that can satisfy prerequisites to our 1+2+1 nursing partnership program, or to other BSN programs.

Nursing 1+2+1


Provides prerequisite courses for admission to schools of nursing

The 1+2+1 nursing partnership program (1 year at UWSP + 2 years at Partner Program + 1 year at UWSP) offers an opportunity for high school graduates to earn both an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) through the collaborative programs of UW-Stevens Point, Mid-State Technical College (Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield), Northcentral Technical College (Wausau) and Nicolet College (Rhinelander).


Designed for associate degree or diploma registered nurses

The RN to BSN completion program is designed for associate degree or diploma registered nurses (RNs). Students complete requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing through UW-Stevens Point.

Alumni Map

Alumni Map

Where are they now?

UW-Stevens Point alumni live and work all over the world—so if you’re looking for networking opportunities close to a new home or contact info for fellow Pointer in another city, you’re in luck. Looking for a fellow Pointer near you or want to add your pin? Start with our map.

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What to Expect? 

According to the Wisconsin Center for Nursing, the current increasing demand for RNs in the state of Wisconsin–coupled with the decreasing total number of RNs–will lead to supply demand gap of 35 percent by 2035.

Just about anywhere doctors work, RNs do too, including but not limited to hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, hospice, emergency rooms, intensive care, government agencies, corporations, and more. In fact, RNs also work in other areas where physicians typically do not, including home health and schools. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half of all RNs work in hospitals.

Pre-Nursing Paths at UW-Stevens Point

The 1+2+1 nursing partnership program (1 year at UWSP + 2 years at Partner Program + 1 year at UWSP) offers an opportunity for high school graduates to earn both an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) through the collaborative programs of UW-Stevens Point, Mid-State Technical College (Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield), Northcentral Technical College (Wausau) and Nicolet College (Rhinelander).

Students entering the program can experience traditional college opportunities, including: living on campus, NCAA athletics, and participation in student organizations while also taking advantage of the high quality, nationally accredited expertise of UWSP and our partner ADN programs.

Students may begin their coursework at UWSP or partner institutions by taking general education courses in addition to the partnership program’s ADN admission requirements. It is possible to be dually enrolled at UWSP and the local partner institution to complete these requirements.

This program provides an efficient and affordable path to becoming a Registered Nurse (RN) in Central Wisconsin. For students beginning at UWSP, the program provides a competitive application process for UWSP students to gain entrance into a partner’s ADN program at Mid-State, NTC or Nicolet. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee selection via the competitive application process. Priority for selection is given to students that have: (1) successfully completed pre-nursing and general education requirements, (2) greater credit hours with UWSP, and (3) a higher cumulative GPA. Students may be selected for placement in the ADN program at any of our three partner institutions: Mid-State, NTC or Nicolet.

Upon completion of the ADN, students then complete the RN to BSN Completion program with UWSP. The RN to BSN Completion program requires students to have an Associate Degree in Nursing.

When do I apply to the Nursing Program?

  • There is not a set requirement on when you must apply, but if you want to follow our sample graduation plan as an incoming freshman starting in the fall, and want to graduate with both your Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) within the four-year timeframe, it is recommended to apply at the end of your second semester of freshman year, while enrolled in General Anatomy and Physiology with the technical college. Transfer students or students bringing in a lot of dual enrollment credits from high school may want to develop a customized grad plan with the UWSP nursing adviser to determine application timeline. Students who were required to take MATH 90 based on the math placement test will likely apply during their fourth semester and graduate with the BSN in 4.5 years total.

The 1+2+1 partnership program is a unique opportunity for UWSP students. In this program, students spend 1 year at UWSP + 2 years at a partner program school completing associate degree in nursing and then +1 year back at UWSP for completion of the BSN degree. This unique opportunity gets students into the workforce sooner, gaining salary and benefit options with licensure, while completing a bachelor’s degree.

Students get the best of both worlds with our 1+2+1 program, they get to experience traditional college opportunities, including: living on campus, NCAA athletics and participation in student organizations–all of this while taking advantage of the high-quality, nationally accredited expertise of UW-Stevens Point and our partnering programs. The nursing partner program is with Northcentral Technical College in Wausau, Wisconsin.

For more information about the UW-Stevens Point international nursing program, contact Krista Nelsen, international recruitment specialist, at 715-346-2702 or You may also learn more about the Office of International Education.

The United States Department of Education requires institutions that provide distance education to disclose information for programs leading to professional certification or licensure about whether each program meets state educational requirements for initial licensure or certification. Following is this disclosure information for this program:

This program meets the certification/licensure requirements in the following states/territories*: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

This program does not meet the certification/licensure requirements in the following states/territories**: Alaska, American Samoa, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Republic of Palau, Republic of the Marshall Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands

* The UW-Stevens Point Pre-Nursing (1+2+1) curriculum fulfills the State of Wisconsin requirements for licensure. Additionally, the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) permits licensed nurses to practice in participating states. More information on states that participate in the NLC may be found here: 

** Several states and territories in the “do not meet” list above have legislation and implementation pending to join the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). Prospective students in any of these states should examine the status of the NLC agreements at:

RN to BSN Information

The RN to BSN completion program is designed for associate degree or diploma registered nurses (RNs). Students complete requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing through UW-Stevens Point. The nursing curriculum consists of 31 required nursing credits: 9 core courses (including 1 credit introductory course and a 3 credit capstone course) and two electives. Nursing courses are offered through a synchronous Zoom hybrid format where classes are held at convenient times through Zoom with the addition of online coursework. The Zoom classes have a weekly morning and evening option. In addition, a fully online class format is offered through BSN@Home.

Admission Requirements

  • Hold an associate degree or diploma degree from an accredited program of nursing
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Wisconsin residency
  • RN licensure in the state of Wisconsin


  • UW-Stevens Point tuition rates decrease with increasing credit load.
  • BSN@Home online course tuition is a flat fee of $452/credit.

Application Steps 1-4

  1. Apply to UW-Stevens Point
  2. Activate your username and password
  3. Complete the demographic form with BSN@Home
  4. Contact for application approval

The UWSP nursing core courses are arranged so that they can be completed within one year. However, with the integration of BSN@Home courses, a student may elect to take more courses to finish their degree sooner or may elect to take fewer courses. 

RN to BSN Course Options

NURS 310 – Professional Essentials (1 cr.)
NURS 407 – Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice (3 cr.)
NURS 441 – Chronic Care Management (3 cr.)
NURS 446 – Research and Evidence-Based Practice (3 cr.)
NURS 447 – Leadership and Management (3 cr.)
NURS 452 – Aging and Health (3 cr.)
NURS 453 – Information Management and Health Care Technology (3 cr.)
NURS 454 – Community Health Nursing (3 cr.)
NURS 455 – Concepts in Nursing Practice (3 cr.)
Nursing Elective (3 cr.)
Nursing Elective (3 cr.)
CHEM 101 – Basic Chemistry (5 cr.)
HSW 301 – Fundamentals of Biostatistics (3 cr.) OR
MATH 255 – Elementary Statistical Methods (4 cr.)

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in a 2011 report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health identified the need for nurses to obtain a baccalaureate degree to meet the changing healthcare environment. The IOM set a goal of 80 percent of nurses be baccalaureate prepared by 2020. The Wisconsin 2016 RN Workforce Survey reported that 46.1 percent of all licensed nurses in the State were baccalaureate prepared at the time of the licensing in 2016. Many institutions, to meet the demands of the workforce, are emphasizing baccalaureate preparation and requiring it for leadership and some clinical roles.

After earning your BSN, further your health education with the online Health and Wellness Coaching Graduate Certificate from UW-Stevens Point and the National Wellness Institute. As a health and wellness coach, you will guide individuals during their transformative journey of achieving lasting changes and enhanced well-being by helping them overcome hurdles, surpass limitations and tap into their own unrealized personal and professional potential.

As nontraditional students, RN to BSN students have access to resources to help through your academic journey:

BSN@Home Info Sessions

Get Involved on Campus

Joining a health-related student organization, you may help with blood drives, raise funds for overseas orphanages, strategize and plan for graduate school and network with professionals from allied health care fields.

Major Map

Navigate Your Major

Major Maps help students map their first day to the first job in their chosen field. While a four-year plan outlines classes to get a degree, Major Maps help students learn how to build career-ready skills and experiences outside the classroom. Each Major Map shows how students can get the most of their UW-Stevens Point journey from enrollment to graduation and beyond. It’s a roadmap to discovering your purpose!

Meet Your Faculty and Staff

The faculty and staff members of the School of Health Sciences and Wellness are committed to developing professionals who study, promote and model lifelong wellness for individuals, families and communities, building a stronger, healthier community.
Jeff Christensen

Jeff Christensen

  • Academic Adviser; Recruitment and Student Success Specialist – School of Health Sciences and Wellness
Elizabeth Lamb

Elizabeth Lamb

  • Assistant Professor – Nursing
UWSP cupola graphic

Jessica Modjewski

  • Assistant Teaching Professor – Nursing
Lorraine Zoromski

Lorraine Zoromski

  • Director – RN to BSN Program
  • Associate Professor – Nursing


CCNE accreditation

CCNE Accreditation

The RN to BSN Completion baccalaureate degree in nursing at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC
20001, 202-887-6791.