HLED 700 Current Health Issues and Trends in Health EducationÂ
(3 credits, 100% online, offered even year summers)
This course will provide students who do not have an undergraduate degree in health education with the necessary background in health content areas (nutrition, physical activity, personal health, safety and injury prevention, stress, violence/abuse, substance use and abuse, disease prevention, environmental health, aging, death and dying, consumer and community health, and mental and emotional health).
HLED 701 Curriculum and Resources in Teaching Comprehensive School Health EducationÂ
(3 credits, 100% online, offered even year summers)
This course will provide graduate students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop effective curriculum and learning strategies for health education. Students will become comfortable applying the Wisconsin Standards of Health Education with psychosocial skills to assist students in developing life skills. The course will provide a “hands-on” atmosphere where knowledge is used, and skills are practiced.
HLED 703 Teaching Methods in Health EducationÂ
(3 credits, 100% online, offered odd year summers)
This course is designed to have students engage in an analysis of effective approaches to teaching health education to children, primarily utilizing prevention theory. Students will engage in the application of teaching methods, strategies, techniques, and assessments in health education, constructing a series of “hands-on” learning opportunities.
HLED 705 Sexuality Education: Content and Programming for K-12 SchoolsÂ
(3 credits, 100% online, offered odd year summers)
This course will provide students with a review of current health and human sexuality information. Emphasis is given to biological, psychosocial, and educational aspects of human sexuality, with special emphasis on instructional activities related to interpersonal communication, decision-making, and clarification of values. Students will review Wisconsin law and curriculum expectations, working through abstinence-based and abstinence-only curricular approaches, while gaining a healthy appreciation of the controversial issues surrounding the teaching of this content in K-12 schools.
Note: Students must complete all four courses to attain certification. Independent Study will not be granted in any of these four courses.