The Center for Inclusive Excellence in Marshfield is now open to the community and campus.
Located at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point at Marshfield, it provides a comfortable, bias-free place where individuals and groups can hold meetings and enjoy educational programs.
The center is physical space representing one of UW-Stevens Point’s key goals, Chancellor Thomas Gibson said at an opening event Feb. 7. These goals, or imperatives, are academic excellence, enrollment growth and inclusive excellence.
“This is a space where people can feel welcome, valued, supported and have a sense of belonging,” Gibson said.
The center is important to the community, said Scott Larson, president of the Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The MACCI Board developed a statement noting inclusion enriches daily lives, supports community growth and is imperative to future success.
“Welcoming and embracing diversity brings new ideas, perspectives and skills and is essential for a prosperous community,” it says in part.
A top priority for MACCI is developing a sustainable pipeline for the region’s workforce, Larson said. Creating the Center for Inclusive Excellence is an action that says, “this is a welcoming community.”
Several programs will be available through the UW-Stevens Point Inclusive Excellence Institute. A non-credit certificate in equity, diversity and inclusion will be available to the public in partnership with Continuing Education. This program can be offered in the Marshfield center or at businesses, as requested.
Inclusivity is woven through UW-Stevens Point campuses, and this center helps give these efforts a front door in Marshfield, said Lindsay Bernhagen, director of the Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning. The center is one of several partnerships the university has with school districts, businesses and community organizations.
The center has comfortable seating, resources on equity, diversity and inclusivity and serves as a hub for coffee, light snacks and university apparel.
It is located at Room 810, UWSP at Marshfield, 2000 W. 5th Street. To reserve space, please contact the campus Solution Center at 715-389-6530. To learn more about programming, contact Continuing Education at