The facility is involved in various aquaculture events including presenting at conferences, organizing and administering workshops, attending community and public events, and more. Annual events most always include a National conference, such as Aquaculture America, as well as local events such as the Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference. In addition, the facility also showcases research and extension efforts in various articles from industry magazines and newsletters.
June 9-10, 2025
RAS Tech
San Diego, California
RASTECH 2025 is an international conference and trade fair that serves owners and operators of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) technology. This includes: RAS fish farmers/producers, fish hatchery professionals, engineers, contractors, consultants, researchers and investors in RAS.
New Aquaculture Activity Book: Teaching Students About Fish Farming
The book illustrates different species raised in Wisconsin, such as walleye, yellow perch, Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and tilapia, and provides overviews of the aquaculture systems used to raise them. Kids can then take the fish stickers and, in subsequent pages, “stock” them into the aquaculture systems that best suit the fish. Read the article and order a coloring book online!
Aquaculture outreach extraordinaire wins award
Hauser, who works at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility, was recently voted Extension/Outreach Extraordinaire by the Aquaculture Information Exchange community. The award celebrates aquaculture professionals who have gone above and beyond to serve those in the industry.
Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference returns Feb. 21-22
The conference is the largest event of its kind in the upper Midwest, bringing together fish farmers, researchers, educators and vendors to learn, share and network with aquaculture professionals across the state and region. Emma Hauser, aquaculture outreach specialist with University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility and Wisconsin Sea Grant, assists in organizing the event each year. “This annual conference continues to be a critical event for anyone currently involved or interested in becoming involved in aquaculture…”
Tom Talks with Emma Hauser on Aquaculture and Upcoming Conference
Marshfield Now!
Interview with Emma Hauser, UWSP NADF Outreach Specialist on aquaculture and upcoming Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference. Watch the interview on Marshfield Now Video Archives.
Fish Farming Practices
Wisconsin Public Radio: The Larry Meiller Show
WPR Larry Meiller interviews Tyler Firkus, UWSP NADF Assistant Director, on fish farming from a state to global view. Check out the recording online.
Sharon Moen, Wisconsin Sea Grant food-fish outreach coordinator, organized a Wisconsin fish farm tour with farmers and decision makers in effort to share information, discuss challenges as well as opportunity for aquaculture in Wisconsin. “This tour was a direct response to a needs assessment Wisconsin Sea Grant conducted with fish farmers,” said Moen. “The farmers prioritized developing better lines of communication with decision-makers so we designed an opportunity where that could happen.”
This video compliments a recent publication investigating the possibility and means of spawning the facility’s indoor walleye broodstock at various times throughout the year. Check out this short summary video on the results.
Journal Article
Out of Season Spawning of Walleye Broodstock
Aquaculture, Fish & Fisheries
The commercial viability of walleye as an aquaculture species requires that walleye gametes are available year-round so that multiple cohorts of walleye can be brought to market throughout the year. This study aimed to apply photothermal manipulations to three groups of walleye broodstock to induce out-of-season spawning and obtain a year-round supply of fertilized walleye eggs.
Journal Article
Unobserved mortality occurs early in larval walleye (Sander vitreus) aquaculture
Frontiers in Aquaculture
One of the most persistent challenges in walleye larviculture is the high rate of unobserved mortality. This study looked to reveal the mystery of unobserved mortality, investigating when and why it occurs.
Depuration, also known as purging, is a critical step before harvesting fish out of a recirculating system. This video explains the current practices utilized in depuration as well as current research happening to optimize this process. This is one of 17 research objectives as part of Sustainable Aquaculture Systems: Supporting Atlantic Salmon, funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
When incubating eggs in aquaculture it is critical to keep the eggs healthy and clean to limit saprolegnia (fungus) and bacteria growth. This video showcases a straightforward method for treating walleye eggs during the incubation period as a best management practice in aquaculture.
RAS in Action
Aquaculture Systems Highlight
Tyler Firkus, UWSP NADF Operations & Research Programs Manager, walks us through the facility’s recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), raising Atlantic salmon and walleye. Learn the basics on the steps of a RAS as well as the critical equipment needed.
Fish Dissection Overview
Best Managment Practices for Fish Health
UWSP NADF created two videos as part of a fish health workshop organized by the Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative. The videos explain how to external and internally examine fish for fish health practices. The dissections are led by veterinarian, Dr. Myron Kebus, who walks us through various observations regarding fish anatomy to determine overall health. Walleye and Arctic char were utilized, raised in indoor RAS systems at UWSP NADF.
Market Research for Raising Atlantic Salmon in RAS
UWSP NADF Project Film Series
Willingness to pay by the consumer is a critical piece of information when determining business planning. For example, understanding what consumers are willing to pay for Atlantic salmon and how willingness may differ based on attributes of the fish such as the rearing system utilized, or feeds provided. This video showcases research being done to explore consumer willingness to pay for Atlantic salmon raised in water reuse systems. This is one of 17 research objectives as part of Sustainable Aquaculture Systems: Supporting Atlantic Salmon, funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Research to Produce Reproductively Sterile Atlantic Salmon
UWSP NADF Project Film Series
Learn how and why researchers are looking to create reproductively sterile Atlantic salmon to support the food fish industry. This is one of 17 research objectives as part of Sustainable Aquaculture Systems: Supporting Atlantic Salmon, funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Investigating Larval Feeds for Walleye
UWSP NADF Project Film Series
Larval rearing of walleye is the most challenging aspects in culturing this species. This video explains research done at UWSP NADF to identify larval feed options for growth and survival of hybrid walleye, known as the saugeye.
News Article
New Aquaculture Guide Helps Fish Farmers Raise Walleye for Commercial Production
University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
According to lead author and aquaculture outreach specialist Emma Hauser, the guide is the culmination of years of research and a great enthusiasm for the fish, especially in the upper Midwest where it’s enjoyed both as a game fish and one that’s good to eat.
Journal Article
The Consequences of Sea Lamprey Parasitism on Lake Trout Energy Budgets
Conservation Physiology
Research done at UWSP NADF provides a plausible explanation of the energetic mechanisms that lead to skipped spawning following sea lamprey parasitism and could be used in population models to explore sublethal impacts of sea lamprey parasitism and other stressors on population dynamics.
Journal Article
Diet Influences Survival and Growth of Intensively Reared Larval Saugeye
Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries
Research done to investigate various commercially available larval diets for raising hybrid walleye (saugeye) intensively indoors. The diets were evaluated based on growth and survival of this species at the larval stage. Currently, there is no larval diet formulated for walleye, therefore evaluating currently available diets is important for industry growth.
Journal Article
Effects of Formaldehyde (Parasite-S®) on Biofilter Nitrification From a Cold and a Warm Freshwater RAS
Aquaculture Research
To maintain proper husbandry conditions in aquaculture, an occasional use of chemical disinfectants or chemotherapeutants may be required, such as Formaldehyde, which is currently approved for use in flow-through systems. However, in a recirculating system, chemical application risks impairing communities of nitrifying bacteria in the biofilters resulting in potential ammonia or nitrite accumulation. UWSP NADF and partners investigated how formaldehyde impacts a RAS in terms of water quality and biofilter function.
Journal Article
Cisco Aquaculture Best Practices: Randomized Experiments from Eggs to Juvenile
North American Journal of Aquaculture
Further information on rearing and restocking of the ecologically important, Lake Herring species is needed, especially toward understanding the biological culture needs of eggs, larvae, and fingerlings. To address this gap in the literature and to provide essential fish culture information, UWSP NADF performed three preliminary studies in 2010.
Magazine Article
Midwest Facility is a Successful Model for Research, Demonstration and Education for Freshwater Aquaculture
World Aquaculture Magazine
World Aquaculture Society highlights UWSP NADF as leader in aquaculture research, demonstration and education. The article highlights important facility projects, staff expertise and world-class training for workforce development.
Huge Herds Harbored in the North
Jason Maloney, from Agri-View Agricultural Publication, interviews the facility on their research with walleye and Atlantic salmon as well as providing resources to farmers and students.
Aquaculture Looks to Grow in Wisconsin
Midwest Farm Report
Midwest Farm Report interviews, UWSP NADF Director, Chris Hartleb on the status of Aquaculture in Wisconsin as well as the Nation, discussing the challenges, opportunities and impacts.
Collaborative Network for Recirculating Aquaculture Moves into Next Phase
Wisconsin Sea Grant
Known as RAS-N, the Recirculating Aquaculture Salmon Network involves many partners, from UWSP NADF to the Maine and Maryland Sea Grant programs, to private companies in the United States and Europe, including Hixton, Wisconsin-based Superior Fresh.
Support Your Local Fish Farms, Support Sustainability
Wisconsin Sea Grant
Outreach Specialist at UWSP NADF is interviewed on her role at the facility in educating the public and students on importance of aquaculture partnerships and the cutting-edge research at the facility that is supporting sustainable aquaculture.
Applied Research Aims to Enable the Commercialization of Walleye for the Food Fish Industry
World Aquaculture Magazine
For over 15 years, UWSP NADF has been culturing walleye intensively, indoors on commercial feeds to build capacity of walleye as an aquaculture food fish. This article reviews the opportunities, challenges and current research to support a sustainable production of walleye in our region.
Northern Demonstration Facility Prepares Students for In-demand Aquaculture Careers
UWSP Communications & Marketing
UW-Stevens Point was the first university in Wisconsin to offer an aquaculture minor and the first accredited university in the nation to offer full semester aquaponic courses. Sustainable aquaculture meets consumer demand for seafood while taking pressure off wild populations and enhancing food security, safety and quality, notes Chris Hartleb, biology professor, who launched the program.
Bringing Experts Together from Around the Globe to Expand Sustainable Land-Based US Production of Atlantic Salmon
World Aquaculture Magazine
UWSP NADF and partners are involved in a National collaborative to build capacity of raising Atlantic salmon in land-based systems through research, demonstration and education.