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FEB. 22, 2025

The Marshfield Area Cultural Fair is scheduled to take place on February 22, 2025, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield campus (2000 West 5th Street, Marshfield, WI 54449).

The Cultural Fair started in 2004 and has been held annually since then. Each year, no matter what February weather throws at us, over 1,000 people attend the fair. People of all ages and many cultures participate in sharing stories, music, performances, and food. Each year, we create a sense of a village celebrating its incredibly rich diversity. We look forward to continuing this tradition in our community!

This year, we have an ever-growing lineup of local exhibitors and musicians on two stages, and a wide selection of food vendors and more! 

All related. Each unique.

people attend the Cultural Fair each year
exhibits and food vendors to explore
years of celebrating cultures from around the world

2025 Exhibitors List


  • Aging Disability Resource Center
  • C2 Makerspace
  • Chestnut Center for the Arts
  • Citizen’s Climate Lobby
  • City of Marshfield Historic Preservation Commission
  • D Artist In U
  • ECDC Multicultural Community Center
  • First Presbyterian Church
  • HOLA
  • Marshfield Broadcasting
  • Marshfield Clinic Health System
  • Marshfield Conquerors
  • Marshfield Family History Center
  • Marshfield Lions Club
  • Mormon Loggers
  • Mosaic of North Central Wisconsin
  • Needlepoint Hmong Motif, LLC
  • North Wood County Historical Society
  • Office of Sustainability
  • Olga Meza
  • Peace Corps
  • PFLAG Marshfield
  • Polish Heritage Awareness Society
  • Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin
  • Shama
  • Simplicity Credit Union
  • Tanya Creations
  • Tending Me
  • UWSP at Marshfield
  • UWSP at Marshfield Inclusive Excellence Center
  • UWSP Multicultural Resource Center
  • Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce
A person playing the trumpet at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair



  • Music Magic
  • Main Street Conservatory of Dance, Marshfield
  • Wisconsin Country Style Dancers
  • Steel Drums – Kent Arnsbarger
  • Salsa Manzana
  • AaroChele
  • Indian Bollywood Dances
A performer talking to an attendee at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair

Event Schedule

Visit and have a great time at the 2025 Marshfield Area Cultural Fair! Goals of the fair include increased awareness and understanding of, and pride in, the cultural and ethnic diversity of the community, create an atmosphere of Neighborly celebration, educate the community about the international/ethnic/cultural connections of its individuals, businesses and organizations and bring ethnic minorities into the community mainstream.
A group performing on stage at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair


So, you have something to show! Entertainers include: Puppet theater in the Children’s Area, Musical performance, Dance demonstrations, Theatrical performances, Martial arts demonstrations. Fairgoers enjoy being your audience and being entertained by your music, dance and other performances. Families enjoy trying out what you are doing Be ready to invite them up on stage to try out your dances, music, singing, puppetry, etc. As you share your culture and practices, please keep in mind that this is for entertaining not for persuading or recruiting.
An attendee receiving a henna tattoo at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair


So, you have something to share! Exhibitors in the past have included: displays of their native lands, customs, traditions, celebrations, community projects. These include videos, photos, objects, clothing, activities such as henna tattooing, weaving, puzzles and games, products to share/sell related to their culture, stories about their customs and traditions. Fairgoers enjoy talking with you and learning about your culture, traditions, religious beliefs. Be ready to have conversations. Respect and curiosity are key values to bring and support. As you share your culture, social and religious beliefs, please keep in mind that this is for sharing not for persuading or recruiting.
A tray of sushi at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair


The food vendors for the 2025 Cultural Fair include: Jamaican Kitchens, GT’s Hawaiian BBQ, Nagoya Japanese Sushi and Steakhouse, Kat’s Sweet Escape, Al Madinah Cuisine and The Hungry Hub!
A string of colorful banners hanging from the ceiling at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair


Youth can enjoy the Marshfield Cultural Fair by participating in the following activities: puppet show, facepainting, arts and crafts, story time and activities within the C2 Makerspace.
Three students holding food containers at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair


Help on the organizing committee or volunteer to help on the day of the event. Contact the UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield Solution Center at 715-389-6530 or if you are interested in volunteering.
Chancellor Thomas Gibson and Marshfield Campus Executive Anthony Andrews and an attendee at the Marshfield Area Cultural Fair


We would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support in our efforts to bring all of this incredible art, food, music, and culture into one place every year!

  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point at Marshfield
  • Marshfield Clinic Health System
  • Marshfield Area Cultural Fair Committee
  • Marshfield Area Foundation
  • The Umhoefer Foundation
  • Marshfield Broadcasting
  • Simplicity Credit Union 

If you or your business are interested in learning more about how you can help to sponsor us and our mission, please contact us! We will be happy to provide you with information on how to help.

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The resources below are links to organizations, events, and other resources to help expand our awareness. Any omissions of groups are unintentional, and we welcome suggestions on resources.

The Society’s Mission, Vision and Values are: Mission: The Wisconsin Historical Society connects people to the past by collecting, preserving, and sharing stories. Vision: Enriching and transforming lives through unparalleled access to history. Values: We believe that increasing the public’s knowledge of history has profound societal, cultural, and economic benefit.

Wisconsin Biographies is a collection of media to enrich the social studies and literacy curriculum, using the stories of notable figures in Wisconsin history. For each story, a 3-5 minute animated video engages learners of all ages. The content was designed around 4th grade standards, but is appropriate for use with younger and older students.

USAFacts is a new data-driven portrait of the American population, our government’s finances, and government’s impact on society. We are a non-partisan, not-for-profit civic initiative and have no political agenda or commercial motive. We provide this information as a free public service and are committed to maintaining and expanding it in the future.

Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition – thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet.

I asked people to think about their experiences, questions, hopes, dreams, laments or observations about race and identity. Then, I asked that they take those thoughts and distill them to just one sentence that had only six words. What would your 6 words be?

Race is one topic where we all think we’re experts. Yet ask 10 people to define race or name “the races,” and you’re likely to get 10 different answers. Few issues are characterized by more contradictory assumptions and myths, each voiced with absolute certainty. In producing this series, we felt it was important to go back to first principles and ask, What is this thing called “race?” – a question so basic it is rarely raised. What we discovered is that most of our common assumptions about race – for instance that the world’s people can be divided biologically along racial lines – are wrong. Yet the consequences of racism are very real.

Love Has No Labels is a movement to promote acceptance and inclusion of all people across race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and ability. We believe love is the most powerful force to overcome bias. We celebrate diversity and encourage people to come together because we know, together, we can create a more inclusive world.

Milwaukee is a city comprised of many diverse cultures, religions, and identities, which we celebrate and pay homage to in several ways. We have festivals, restaurants, galleries, dance troupes, and theaters that showcase every ethnic culture and faith that call the city home, plus a very LGBTQ friendly atmosphere. Additionally, the City of Milwaukee and VISIT Milwaukee welcome travelers of all abilities.

The Multicultural Center of Green Bay is committed to supporting intercultural exchange and an appreciation of the unique traits each ethnic group brings to the Green Bay area. We support the preservation and sharing of diverse cultures, as well as the full inclusion of all individuals at every level of our community.

Unleashing the power of citizens to heal themselves and build community. The health of one’s cultural identity is directly related to one’s personal health, the health of one’s community and one’s cultural group. Culture and epistemology are integral to understanding human behavior. Reconciliation and bridging between cultures contribute to healing in the cultural dimension, which, in turn, affects community and personal health.

Helping New Americans achieve self-sufficiency and full membership in American life. The Institute supports this mission by providing linguistically and culturally accessible services that enable every New American to work toward achieving full community participation and self-sufficiency.

Through the African American Lens: The museum’s 12 inaugural exhibitions focus on broad themes of history, culture and community. These exhibitions have been conceived to help transform visitors’ understanding of American history and culture and to help visitors adapt to and participate in changing definitions of American citizenship, liberty and equality.

The National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) is committed to advancing knowledge and understanding of the Native cultures of the Western Hemisphere—past, present, and future—through partnership with Native people and others. The museum works to support the continuance of culture, traditional values, and transitions in contemporary Native life.

Native America Today represents an alliance between Native American Media and News From Indian Country, a unit of Indian Country Communications. Our mission is to bring forward current news and thought-provoking journalism, while bringing people closer together by broadening perspectives of Native American peoples, marginalized by traditional stereotypical images.

The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® serves as the national membership association for German-American heritage. GAHF cultivates a greater awareness for German-American heritage and history through outreach efforts that deepen cultural understanding.

H2N (Hmong and Hispanic Communication Network Project) 

The Hmong and Hispanic Communication Network (H2N) collaborates with public health organizations, health systems, resource agencies, and community organizations to provide Hmong and Hispanic communities with resources and tools to improve health outcomes. Three non-profit organizations that have been the backbone of our efforts are WIPPS, HAC and HOLA.

HAC’s programs and services have changed to meet new individual, family, and community needs as the Southeast Asian population has become more diversified. The majority of current programs are directed toward enhancing family self-sufficiency, family stability, community integration, and higher education.

HCC’s Mission is to promote the personal development of children, youth, and adults through education while providing resources that enhance cross-cultural awareness between Hmong and non-Hmong.

The National Hispanic Culture Center is dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and advancement of Hispanic cultures, arts, and humanities. The Center hosts numerous events and creates the opportunity for thousands more through its art museum, library and genealogy center, and educational resources.

Livsreise (lifs-rye-sa) translates to “Life’s Journey.” It is a generational journey, encompassing not only the physical journey Norwegian emigrants traveled, but also the continued journey as generations embrace their Norwegian Heritage here in Stoughton, Wisconsin and across the nation. The Livsreise logo is inspired by the åttebladrose, or eight petal rose, commonly found in Norwegian textiles.

The Polish Museum of America was established in 1935 as the “Museum and Archives of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America.” The first public display area opened on January 12, 1937 in a specially designed and constructed room within the headquarters building of the PRCUA. From that date the Museum’s collection and importance grew very rapidly and quickly gained autonomous status as “The Polish Museum of America” with its own governing board of directors.

La Crosse Medical Science Health Science Consortium exists to promote the importance of delivering cross culturally competent health care to people living in our communities.
Cross Cultural Competence is a personal journey. It is the process of developing and becoming aware, seeking knowledge, gaining understanding and appreciation of differences in order to:

1.Demonstrate sensitivity and respect

2.Communicate effectively

3.Advocate for equality in healthcare.

The Institute for Civility in Government is dedicated to reducing the polarization of our political and legislative processes by facilitating dialogue, teaching respect, and building civility in both the public and private spheres. “Civility is claiming and caring for one’s identity, needs and beliefs without degrading someone else’s in the process.”

The Civility Center

The Civility Center mission is to be the catalyst for conversation about civility in society and to provide leadership, resources, and tools that empower and enable individuals and organizations to be civility champions in their communities.

National Institute for Civility

NICD envisions elected officials who work collaboratively to tackle the big issues facing our country; a media that accurately informs and involves citizens; and a public that actively engages with its government — of the people, by the people, for the people. Joining forces, we can ensure that civility emerges once again as the glue that binds, repairs and strengthens our Democratic nation. NICD 7 Day Civility Challenge.

Diversity Guide for Students Considering College

The National Association for Media Literacy Education

The National Association for Media Literacy Education is a national organization dedicated to media literacy education. Our Vision is to see media literacy be highly valued by all and widely practiced as an essential life skill for the 21st Century. Our Mission is to be the leading voice, convener and resource to foster critical thinking and effective communication for empowered media participation.

Learning for Justice

Our mission is to help teachers and schools educate children and youth to be active participants in a diverse democracy.