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A student working on an art project
A student painting a canvas outside
Art Gallery

The arts at UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield


The Marshfield Box Office is located in the Lobby of the Helen Connor Laird Fine Arts Building and is open one hour prior to performance.

Purchase Tickets

Purchase tickets online 24/7! View the theater seating, choose your favorite seat and purchase tickets at your convenience.

Need assistance? Call the Main Campus Box Office at 715-346-4100, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

For general questions about peformances or the venue, please contact the Marshfield Solution Center at 715-389-6530.

Ticket Sale Policy

Tickets are not refundable.

If you’ve purchased tickets to a performance and can’t attend you have the option to donate your ticket to UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield by returning it to the Box Office before the performance. A donation to the campus allows you to claim the face value of the ticket as a tax deduction, and it allows us to re-sell the ticket to another patron. Please return your donated ticket as soon as possible to free your seat.

  • Tickets must be paid for when they are reserved.
  • Cash, checks and credit card options at the window.
  • When the Box Office is closed, leave a message, and your call will be returned and/or your order processed as soon as possible.

Marauder Sculpture

Art at UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield isn’t limited to the gallery. We have a rich culture of art throughout our campus – our hallways, the Hamilton Roddis Memorial Library, and on our grounds.

The Founders Mural

Recognizing our journey to the campus’ 50th Anniversary, visiting artist and lecturer Nate Wilson painted an amazing triptych – three canvases that together are more than 20 feet long and eight feet high.

Named “The Founders Mural,” this impressive work of art recognizes the people who helped the campus become established, the community and our current students and alumni.

The campus story begins with six men who advocated and worked to have a University of Wisconsin campus located in Marshfield. The founders Cyril J. Marx, Kenneth Rice, Earl W. Nelson, Clarence Searles, Arnold Weber, Harry J. Wenzel, and the campus’ first dean, Norbert E. Koopman, are featured in each panel, along with the original buildings of the campus.

Marauder Sculpture

Local artist Clyde Wynia created and donated a metal sculpture of the campus mascot: the Marauder.

The sculpture, which stands 13.5 feet tall and weighs 2,500 pounds, is made mostly from new metal, but for its pedestal Wynia used an old crown from a rock crusher.

The Marauder is an impressive view from afar, and upon closer look the details are just as striking with cuffed pants, chain-mail style hair, and the metal laid in a pattern on his boots.

Hub City Music

Student and community musicians from around Central Wisconsin form two new ensembles: Hub City Winds and Hub City Symphony.

Hub City Symphony Concerts

Dates TBA

Hub City Winds Concerts

Dates TBA

Purchase Tickets Online

3 Men Theatre Performance

Campus Community Players (CCP)

CCP involves students and community members on stage and behind the scenes for at least one production per semester.

Theatre Director: Brad Schmicker

2022-2023 CCP Productions

Fall Semester: TBA

Spring Semester: TBA

Purchase Tickets Online

Gallery 450
The Visual Arts Series, an ongoing program of the Art Department since 1986, brings recognized artists to the campus for art exhibitions in Gallery 450, public lectures, demonstrations, and workshops. These visiting artists offer our students and the community insights into new ideas in contemporary art.

Gallery 450 is located in the lobby of the Helen Connor Laird Fine Arts Building.


Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. during most Arts at the UW performances.

UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield Student Art Exhibition

Gallery 450 will also schedule works from UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield students who participate in UWSP at Marshfield classes.

For more information about getting involved in Gallery 450’s exhibits and events contact Gallery Director: Matthew Groshek.

Current Exhibit

Due to COVID-19, all exhibits have been cancelled until further notice. 

Fine Arts Courses for Personal Enrichment provided by Continuing Education and Outreach at UW-Stevens Point