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Learn Well for Student Success podcast
Student Success Center

Learn Well for Student Success Podcast

Welcome! It’s our mission to support the whole student, honoring individual experiences and getting each person access to tools and resources that will help them achieve their goals. If you have ever struggled to get going on an assignment, have ever been challenged to set goals, felt overwhelmed, or as felt as though you were imposter in your own major, then this an invitation from us to you. We understand the inherent challenges of being a college student and we know that with supports and connection, you can make your college experience one that is full of opportunity and growth.

Listen in as we talk to campus and community experts and students about their strategies for success.


Dave Dettman

How to Leverage Library Resources to Get Started on a Project

Guest: Dave Dettman

There is not a day that goes by where we don’t hear the phrase “information overload.” We all have worlds of information at our fingertips and at the same time, it can be more of a struggle than ever to get started on a project because the sheer amount of sifting that has to be done. Today, Dave Dettman is here to break information overload down for us into some manageable steps. You will walk away knowing what resources are at your fingertips and how to approach research in and efficient way.
Brian Krolczyk

How to Balance your Commitments and Obligations

Guest: Brian Krolczyk

Students in the School of Health Sciences and Wellness are strong and energetic students who are committed to their areas of study and to serving others, but they come to UWSP with a number of challenges that previous generations did not experience including hurdles around post-pandemic learning, a mental health crisis amongst their peers, a changing economy and career outlook, and overall uncertainty in the world around them. Students are working more hours than ever before and feel more pressure than previous generations to create a wider portfolio of skills and experiences. We want to support students with the resources they need to learn professional skills but also tools to thrive in this fast-paced world. Joining us today is Brian Krolczyk who will be helping us build integration and personal resilience skills by zeroing in on the topic of balancing commitments and obligations.
Erin Speetzen

How to Succeed in Your Science Classes

Guest: Erin Speetzen

SHSW students often are often exposed to a breadth and depth of science courses and we often hear feedback that courses like Chem and Bio are a lot tougher at the collegiate level than the high school level. Even strong students with in-depth science backgrounds sometimes come up against challenges. Luckily with a few study strategy edits and willingness to try something new, students can thrive. Here to talk to us about this today is Erin Speetzen, Ph.D., who is not only an expert in all things chemistry and study strategies, but who is a strong advocate for students on this campus.
Stacey Duellman

How to Manage College Stressors and Access Resources

Guest: Stacey Duellman

There seems to be growing awareness in recent years around things related to mental health, stress, and trauma where there is wider acceptance and more information than ever before. There is more understanding, flexibility, and support overall. At the same time, we still live in a culture that in a lot of ways, prioritizes productivity over wellness and for individuals to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”. In some ways it feels like we are operating in extremes where some view stress and challenge as inherently bad and it is avoided at all costs and where others continue to plow through and take on anything, at the cost of their health. Stacey Duellman is here to talk to us today about how students can balance these dichotomies and learn how to take care of themselves while still maintaining high standards and the ability to hold themselves accountable. She also shares concrete information about campus resources and supports.
Jason Siewert

How to Respond to Stressors and Access Regulation

Guest: Jason Siewert

Research on stress and trauma in recent decades, in the context of information technology, has opened may people’s eyes to some of the built-in systems we have to protect ourselves. Most have a general understanding that these systems were really useful when our ancestors lived closer to nature and the elements and would have to escape a wild animal. It only makes sense that your heart starts pumping and only your vital networks kick into gear if you need to fight or escape a dangerous situation. In today’s human experience, we don’t have the same stressors, but our bodies still respond as if we do. Dr. Jason Siewert is here today to talk us through these systems and to help us build some foundational skills related to how we can respond to stressors and regulate ourselves.
Brooklyn Miller and Mikenzie Conrad

How to Finish the Semester Strong-Think Like a Farmer

Guests: Brooklyn Miller and Mikenzie Conrad

The Student Success Center recently had an insightful metaphor come through our inbox and it was a challenge to us all to think like farmers and we think this concept is helpful for students, particularly at the end of the semester. Most of us don’t think about it on a daily basis but there are so many unknowns for farmers in the work they do but their livelihoods and ours are greatly impacted. The lesson in all of this for us is that we need to work in a way that takes advantage of the foundation we have spent the semester laying and that we want to prevent ourselves from adding even more tasks and stress. We have two leaders in our school, graduate students Brooklyn Miller and Mikenzie Conrad, here to talk to us about how students can actually make tweaks and create results for themselves and experience success at the end of the semester, just like a farmer.
Headshot photo of Chancellor Thomas Gibson.

How to Build Motivation and Momentum

Guest: Chancellor Thomas Gibson

It is not at all uncommon for students to walk into the Success Center in the School of Health Science and Wellness with the worry that they “are just not motivated.” But, when asked a few follow-up questions they can easily recite all the reasons that do motivate them, from the dietetics student who is passionate to help young kids with diabetes to the Medical Lab Sciences student who is excited to work behind the scenes setting up new equipment to help assure reliable diagnosis’, to the athlete who wants to do well in school and also show up for their team. What they then describe are barriers in building momentum towards their goals. In other words, students often have the desire to be successful but they just aren’t as confident in how to get started and overcome roadblocks. Our conversation today will center on building that momentum and building resilience to overcome challenges and joining us to have this conversation is Chancellor Thomas Gibson.
Jake Wozniak

How to Set Goals

Guest: Jake Wozniak

Based on the nature of learning where students have to learn foundational critical thinking and study skills first, and that they sometimes have to take courses that don’t completely fall into interest areas, it can be easy for them to sometimes feel as though they are checking boxes and it’s hard to see the big picture. Or, they have real vision for what they want to achieve in the long run but it is hard to reverse plan and break things down into smaller, manageable steps. Today, we will be talking with our local expert, Jake Wozniak about how to demystify and take the guesswork out of setting goals. We will talk through some concrete examples and strategies for goal setting.
Learn Well for Student Success podcast

Motivation and growth Mindset

Guest: TBA

Summary coming soon.
Learn Well for Student Success podcast

Reframing time and/or finances and goals

Guest: TBA

Summary coming soon.
Learn Well for Student Success podcast

Building Self-esteem

Guest: TBA

Summary coming soon.

Meet our Host

Rachel Charron

Rachel Charron

  • Student Success Coach – School of Health Sciences and Wellness
  • Instructor – School of Health Sciences and Wellness
Advising, School of Health Sciences and Wellness