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Learn Well for Student Success podcast
Student Success Center

Learn Well for Student Success Podcast

Welcome! It’s our mission to support the whole student, honoring individual experiences and getting each person access to tools and resources that will help them achieve their goals. If you have ever struggled to get going on an assignment, have ever been challenged to set goals, felt overwhelmed, or as felt as though you were imposter in your own major, then this an invitation from us to you. We understand the inherent challenges of being a college student and we know that with supports and connection, you can make your college experience one that is full of opportunity and growth.

Listen in as we talk to campus and community experts and students about their strategies for success.


Dave Dettman

How to Leverage Library Resources to Get Started on a Project

Guest: Dave Dettman

There is not a day that goes by where we don’t hear the phrase “information overload.” We all have worlds of information at our fingertips and at the same time, it can be more of a struggle than ever to get started on a project because the sheer amount of sifting that has to be done. Today, Dave Dettman is here to break information overload down for us into some manageable steps. You will walk away knowing what resources are at your fingertips and how to approach research in and efficient way.
Brian Krolczyk

How to Balance your Commitments and Obligations

Guest: Brian Krolczyk

Students in the School of Health Sciences and Wellness are strong and energetic students who are committed to their areas of study and to serving others, but they come to UWSP with a number of challenges that previous generations did not experience including hurdles around post-pandemic learning, a mental health crisis amongst their peers, a changing economy and career outlook, and overall uncertainty in the world around them. Students are working more hours than ever before and feel more pressure than previous generations to create a wider portfolio of skills and experiences. We want to support students with the resources they need to learn professional skills but also tools to thrive in this fast-paced world. Joining us today is Brian Krolczyk who will be helping us build integration and personal resilience skills by zeroing in on the topic of balancing commitments and obligations.
Erin Speetzen

How to Succeed in Your Science Classes

Guest: Erin Speetzen

SHSW students often are often exposed to a breadth and depth of science courses and we often hear feedback that courses like Chem and Bio are a lot tougher at the collegiate level than the high school level. Even strong students with in-depth science backgrounds sometimes come up against challenges. Luckily with a few study strategy edits and willingness to try something new, students can thrive. Here to talk to us about this today is Erin Speetzen, Ph.D., who is not only an expert in all things chemistry and study strategies, but who is a strong advocate for student on this campus.
Learn Well for Student Success podcast

Stressors and Emotional Regulation

Guest: TBA

Summary coming soon.
Learn Well for Student Success podcast

Motivation and growth Mindset

Guest: TBA

Summary coming soon.
Learn Well for Student Success podcast

Reframing time and/or finances and goals

Guest: TBA

Summary coming soon.
Learn Well for Student Success podcast

Building Self-esteem

Guest: TBA

Summary coming soon.

Meet our Host

Rachel Charron

Rachel Charron

  • Student Success Coach – School of Health Sciences and Wellness
  • Instructor – School of Health Sciences and Wellness
Advising, School of Health Sciences and Wellness