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Suzuki Recitals

UWSP | Michelsen Hall Noel Fine Arts Center, 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, United States

Season of Light

UWSP | Science Building 2001 Fourth Avenue, Stevens Point, WI, United States

Season of Light is an elegant and sophisticated program about the coldest and darkest of seasons — a time which holds some of the warmest and brightest celebrations of the...


Moles, What is Out There?

UWSP | Science Building 2001 Fourth Avenue, Stevens Point, WI, United States

Young children will be introduced to the fascinating world of astronomy in a fun, simple and very humorous way, hand in hand with Plato, a young mole. The animated characters...


Suzuki Recitals

UWSP | Michelsen Hall Noel Fine Arts Center, 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, United States

Mars: The Ultimate Voyage

UWSP | Science Building 2001 Fourth Avenue, Stevens Point, WI, United States

Discover the many challenges astronauts will face and how creativity, communication, and collaboration are essential for deep space exploration. This full-dome show takes audiences to the Red Planet. On a...


One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure

UWSP | Science Building 2001 Fourth Avenue, Stevens Point, WI, United States

Explore the night sky with your favorite friends from Sesame Street in Big Bird's Adventure: One World, One Sky. Follow along with Big Bird, Elmo, and their friend from China,...
