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Narrated by Frances McDormand, Habitat Earth plunges below the ocean’s surface to explore the dynamic relationships found in deep ocean ecosystems. Digs beneath the forest floor to discover how Earth’s tallest trees rely on tiny fungi to survive. Soars to new heights to witness the intricate intersection between human and ecological networks. Habitat Earth features stunning visualizations of both biological and human-built networks (and of how they intersect). Join us on this immersive journey through the interconnectedness of life on Earth.
*Recommended for all ages.
There is no charge for our public programs, although donations of $1-$2 per attendee will be greatly appreciated to allow us to continue these public programs for our community.
Parking is free on campus for our guests only on Saturdays and Sundays. From Monday-Friday, the UWSP parking lots are enforced 2 am – 7 pm. Please visit this website for more details about parking options, rules, and regulations.