Level I (Up to 20 hours): The primary duty is to observe instructional program in progress. These observations may involve limited participation, such as preparing materials or tutoring students. Participation must be under the direct supervision of a host teacher, preferably in a classroom setting. Documentation of hours by the host teacher is required.
Level II (Typically 20-40 hours): Practicum students may assume further responsibilities, such as instructing small groups or large groups for all or parts of lessons. Lesson content and materials may be prepared by the practicum student along with beginning experience with assessment of student work, subject to approval and guidance by the host teacher. Participation must be under the direct supervision of a host teacher. Documentation of hours by the host teacher is required.
Level III (As determined by the program): Practicum students will, over time, at the discretion of the host teacher, assume additional responsibilities including planning for, instructing, and assessing student learning. Participation must be under the direct supervision of a host teacher in prekindergarten through grade 12 school settings. Evaluation based upon observations by the host teacher, or a university supervisor of practicum student performance is required.
Note: Clinical Experience consists of Student Teaching. The Office of Field Experiences will send out requests for each student teaching placement at that time.