About Us
The Student Success Center houses three important programs within the Diversity and College Access Department:
- Fostering Success Program
- LEAD Summer Bridge and First-Year Experience Program
- Non-Traditional Student Services Program
Fostering Success Program
The Fostering Success Program is designed to provide support for students who have previously experienced out-of-home placement. This includes experience with foster care, kinship care, legal guardianship, group home placement, homelessness, ward of the court, or being an orphan. Students in this program are eligible to attend our LEAD Summer Bridge Program before the their first year at UW-Stevens Point and will have access to special academic year programming.

Fostering Success Academic Year Programming
- One-Week Transition Program Experience: Participants get to move in one week early into their residence hall and participate in the program, resources, and events designed to help them transition from high school to college.
- Peer Mentor: Each student will be matched with an undergraduate peer mentor, who is a sophomore-senior level. They will meet their peer mentor during the one-week transition program prior to fall semester and continue throughout their first-year experience.
- Diversity and College Access (DCA) Success Coach: Participants will also be assigned to one of the student services coordinators serving as their success coach. The DCA success coach will connect these students to on- and off campus resources to support them transition to campus and providing them the resources for their personal, academic, and professional development.
- Social and Community Engagement: Monthly social and engagement activities throughout the academic year.
- Student engagement: In addition, DCA also has centers for student engagement activities, which include the Multicultural Resource Center (MRC), Native American Center (NAC), Queer Resource Center (QRC), and the Success Center. The centers also offer educational, social, and community engagement programs/events throughout the academic year.
- Participant Cost: FREE!
What Does Fostering Success Provide?
Grants & Scholarships, Food Pantry/College Supply Closet, Emergency Funding, Success Coaching, Connection to Leadership Opportunities, Supporting/Caring Community, Academic Tutoring, Welcome Baskets, Monthly Dinners
Summer Bridge and First-Year Experience
LEAD is a summer bridge program that is focused on increasing first-year undergraduate students’ sense of belonging at UWSP. The program is aimed at providing a supportive community that promotes student success by getting first-year undergraduate students ahead and ready to start their college careers. It focusses on campus resources, transitioning into college, student success skills, social and enrichment activities, and the development of future campus leaders.
Non-Traditional Student Services Program
The primary mission of the Non-Traditional Student Services program (NTSS) is to improve the retention and graduation rates for non-traditional, commuter and transfer students within the Diversity and College Access (DCA) department at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP).
The NTSS program offers support, resources, and services for nontraditional, commuter, and transfer students by connecting these students to on and off campus resources to support students’ success in their college journey. The program focuses on improving students’ sense of belonging by providing a supportive and inclusive community with available resources through coaching, mentorship, social and engagement activities, and personal and professional development that promotes student success.
Non-Traditional Student Services Academic Year Programming
- Peer Success Coach: Peer Success Coaches are a peer mentor, who is a sophomore -senior level. They are available to meet with non-traditional, commuter, and transfer students throughout the semester to provide support and answer any questions.
- Success Coach: The NTSS program also has a Student Services Coordinator, who will serve as a DCA Success Coach. The DCA Success Coach will connect with students to on- and off campus resources to support their college success, and provide them with additional support for their personal, academic, and professional development.
- Social and Community Engagement: Planned social and engagement activities throughout the year to encourage campus connections and student success.
- Other DCA Student Engagement: DCA also has Centers for student engagement activities, which include the Multicultural Resource Center (MRC), Native American Center (NAC), Queer Resource Center (QRC), and the Student Success Center (SSC). The Centers also offer educational, social, and community engagement programs/events throughout the academic year.