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Peter Zani


Peter Zani is curator of amphibians and reptiles for the UWSP Museum of Natural History. Zani has spent the past 25 years doing research on the implications of climate limitations and how a changing climate might alter those limitations for individuals, populations, and species.

His approach combines field work, mostly on side-blotched lizards in the high desert of eastern Oregon, semi-controlled outdoor mesocosm experiments of enclosed cohorts of lizards, and controlled-environment laboratory experiments at UWSP. Students in his lab come at problems from the point of view of organismal physiology, ecology, evolution, and behavior.


Smith, G., Zani, P. A., & French, S. S. (2019). Life-history differences across latitude in common side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana). Ecology and Evolution. 9:5743-5751.


  • Ecological Society of America
  • Herpetologists’ League
  • Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Society for the Study of Evolution
Associate Professor
Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles, UWSP Museum of Natural History

TNR 444


Ph.D - Biology
University of Oregon

M.S. - Zoology
University of Oklahoma

B.A. - Zoology
Miami University


Introduction to Animal Biology
Principles of Evolution