Perry Cook Bio Honored by alma mater Experience and Interests Teaching Experience Professor of Education, UW-Stevens Point (1994-present) Leadership in Educational Sustainability, Research Design, Models of Teaching and Learning, Mind, Brain Education Science, Natural and Physical Science methods courses for the pre-school, elementary, middle and secondary levels of teachers, Teaching the Early Adolescent. Research Interests COVID Impacts on Teaching and Learning Learner Motivation Involvement Campus Chair of the Retention, Tenure and Promotion committee, School of Education Chair of the Personnel Guidelines committee, School of Education Past faculty adviser: Student WEA, KDP, CRU, AIA and International Justice at UWSP Member, American Education Research Association Wisconsin Inquiry-based Scientist-Teacher Education Partnership (WInSTEP) Program Presentations and Publications Publications Garbe, A., Ogurlu, U., Logan, N., & Cook, P. (2020). Parents’ Experiences with Remote Education during COVID-19 School Closures. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 4(3), 45-65. Professor - Science EducationDirector - Harju Center for Opportunities in EducationCoordinator - Elementary Methods Block Program Office: 452 College of Professional Studies Phone: 715-346-3263 Email: Education Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education UW-Madison B.S. in Biology UW-Stevens Point Courses EDUC 325 - Elementary Science Methods EDUC 337 - Secondary Science Methods EDUC 385/585 - Teaching the Early Adolescent: Middle School Methods EDUC 705 - Basic Statistical Methods in Education - Graduate Statistics Course