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CPT Olivia Logan

Experience and Interests


  • Active Duty Army Logistics Officer (2016-current)
  • Army Emergency Medical Technician (2012-16)
  • Social Worker for Northeast Parent and Child Society (2011-12)


  • Company Command at 619th QM Co, 101st Abn Div.



    • Founder, Tactical AF LLC (2021-present)
    • Project Left Volunteer (2005-06)

Fun Facts

Last book you read?

The Giant Killer by David A. Yuzuk

Best advice you ever received?

  • Turn your trials into triumphs.
  • Take things one “50 meter target” at a time.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Psychiatrist or artist/designer

Favorite Quote?

“Make sure your servant’s towel is bigger than your ego, for ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity.” – John Wooden

One thing about your program that you are most proud of?

Training and mentoring future leaders of America to continue to protect our great country.

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Teaching and mentoring comes in many variations and I love being able to cater teaching styles in order to help provide a clear understanding of the material to each individual student. Being a witness to the development that occurs as a result of my teaching is very rewarding.

A piece of advice for students in your school?

Where there is a will, there is a way. Do not be afraid to ask questions, and always plan for things not to go as planned!
Olivia Logan
Assistant Professor - Military Science

159 Marshfield Clinic Health System Champions Hall


B.A. in Psychology
Syracuse University, 2011