Laura Anderson McIntyre’s keen interest in outdoor recreation stems from family camping trips to the US national parks, and a youth spent exploring the outdoors in rural Ohio. She is currently serving as a faculty member within the College of Natural Resources forestry discipline. Before arriving at Stevens Point, Laura was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Park Studies Laboratory at the University of Vermont. She has been a park naturalist, camp counselor, conservation intern, and visitor survey coordinator. She teaches courses in forest recreation planning and management, nature-based tourism, landscape architecture, and human dimensions of natural resource management. Laura also advises the Park and Recreation Association student organization at UW-Stevens Point.
Experience and Interests
Teaching Experience
- Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor of Forest Recreation, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (2013-present)
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2003-2006)
- Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University (1999-2001)
Research Interests
- Outdoor recreation planning and management
- Forest visitor motivations, experiences, and behaviors
Professional Experience
- Certified Park and Recreation Professional
- Faculty Advisor, Park and Recreation Association
- General Education Committee
- CNR Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
- CNR Curriculum Committee
- Green Circle Trail Board
- Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association
- Ice Age Trail Alliance
- Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
- National Recreation and Park Association
Fun Facts
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A chef. Also, a cat doctor.
Last book you read?
Driving the Green Book by Alvin Hall
Best advice you ever received?
Learn how to fall. Draw strength and direction from unsuccessful first attempts.