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Kevin Masarik


Kevin Masarik is an integrated specialist with UW – Extension in the College of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. His extension teaching focuses on groundwater and drinking water quality education targeted toward populations served by rural residential well water systems. Other aspects of his work include understanding the relationship between agricultural land use and water quality, geologically related groundwater contaminants, and utilizing the Center’s well water data to educate the public about important groundwater quality concerns where they live.

Selected Publications

Silver, M., Silver, Phelps, W.; Masarik, K.; Burke, K.; Zhang, C.; Schwartz, A.; Wang, M.; Nitka, A. L.; Schutz, J.; Trainor, T.; Washington, J. W.; Rheineck, B. D. (2023). “Prevalence and Source Tracing of PFAS in Shallow Groundwater Used for Drinking Water in Wisconsin, USA.” Environmental Science & Technology 57(45): 17415-17426.

Campbell, T. A., Masarik, K.C., Heinemann, E.M.; Kucharik, C.J. (2023). “Quantifying the spatiotemporal variability of nitrate in irrigation water across the Wisconsin Central Sands.” J Environ Qual. 52(6): 1102-1114.

Shrestha, D., Masarik, K.C.; Kucharik, C.J. (2023). “Nitrate losses from Midwest US agroecosystems: Impacts of varied management and precipitation.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 78(2): 141-153.

McGinley, P., K. Masarik, M. Gotkowitz, and D. Mechenich. (2016) The Impact of Aquifer Geology and Anthropogenic Acidification on Groundwater Phosphorus. Applied Geochemistry. 72:1 9.

Luczaj, J.; Masarik, K. Groundwater Quantity and Quality Issues in a Water-Rich Region: Examples from Wisconsin, USA. Resources 2015, 4, 323-357. doi:10.3390/resources4020323

Masarik, K., Norman, J. and Brye, K. (2014) Long-Term Drainage and Nitrate Leaching below Well-Drained Continuous Corn Agroecosystems and a Prairie. Journal of Environmental Protection5, 240-254. doi: 10.4236/jep.2014.54028.

Masarik, K. 2009. On-site water reuse systems: Using water to its full potential (G3882). University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension Publishing Unit. 

Masarik, K. 2007.  Improving Your Private Well Water Quality (G3826). University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension Publishing Unit.

Masarik, K.C., J.M. Norman, K.R. Brye, and J.M. Baker. 2004. Improvements to measuring water flux in the vadose zone. J. Environ. Qual. 33:1152-1158.

Kevin Masarik
Director of the Center for Watershed Science and Education
Extension Water Specialist

224E Trainer Natural Resources


Ph.D. Environment and Resources
University of Wisconsin-Madison

M.S. Soil Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison

B.S. Water Resources
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point