E Jerry Jessee RESEARCH INTERESTS Environmental History History of Science and Technology World History PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Center for Culture, History and Environment, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies – UW-Madison American Society for Environmental History History of Science Society PUBLICATIONS “Radiation Ecologies: Nuclear Fallout and the Birth of the Ecosphere.” Book manuscript under contract with the University of Washington Press, Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books Series (Paul Sutter, ed.) “A Heightened Controversy: Nuclear Weapons Testing, Radioactive Tracers, and the Dynamic Atmosphere,” in Toxic Airs: Chamical and Environmental Histories of the Atmosphere, edited by James Rodger Fleming and Ann Johnson, The University of Pittsburgh Press, forthcoming Spring 2014. **Winner of the Phillip J. Pauly Prize, Forum for the History of Science in America, History of Science Society TEACHING HONORS National Science Foundation, Dissertation Improvement Grant (Jan. 2010) Teaching Assistant of the Year, Montana State University Associate Professor Office: CCC 474 Phone: 715-346-2334 Email: jerry.jessee@uwsp.edu Education Ph.D. - History Montana State University M.A. - History Montana State University B.A. - Anthropology University of California at Santa Barbara Courses Global Natural Histories Modern Global Environmental History World History Since 1500 The Darwinian Revolution Methods in History and Social Studies Education