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Jennifer Collins



Professor Jennifer Collins joined the Department of Political Science at UW-Stevens Point in 2007. She serves as the department chair. After graduating from college, she spent eight years working in Central and South America, first in Nicaragua with Witness for Peace, and then in Ecuador with the Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI).  She was the recipient of two Fulbright fellowships for field research in Ecuador and Bolivia and serves as a contributing editor to the Handbook of Latin American Studies. View CV

On campus, Collins is the faculty advisor for the United Nations Student Organization and for the Pointers Vote Coalition. Her expertise in teaching from a global lens, along with her scholarship and mentorship of students in research and clubs have earned her the 2024 Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, and Service Award. Collins is proud of her political science students and confident that they graduate from UWSP inspired to collaborate and contribute in meaningful ways, no matter where their degrees take them.      


Collins, Jennifer N. Social Movements and Radical Populism in the Andes: Ecuador and Bolivia in Comparative Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 2022.


  • Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, Executive Director
  • Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Member
  • Latin American Studies Association, Member

Students in the Political Science major learn to grapple with difficult issues and controversial topics; they learn to look at these issues from different perspectives and arrive at their own conclusions.

– Professor Jennifer Collins


  • UW-Stevens Point University Award for Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, and Service – 2024


“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela


When she was growing up, she wanted to be a ballerina.

Chair, Department of Political Science

SCI D339


Ph.D. - Political Science
Ph.D. University of California, San Diego

B.A. - Government and Third World Studies
B.A. Oberlin College​


Latin American Politics
Gender and Politics in Comparative Perspective
International Development
Introduction to Global Affairs
Introduction to Peace Studies
Latin America in World Affairs