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Jason Riddle

Experience and Interests

Teaching Experience

  • Assistant, Associate, and now Full Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (2009-Present)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant and Preparing the Professoriate Participant, North Carolina State University (various semesters 2003-2006)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Appalachian State University (1999-2002)

Research Interests

  • Upland Game Birds
  • Avian Ecology and Conservation
  • Statistics

Professional Experience

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, North Carolina State University (2007-2009)
  • Hoffman Forest Graduate Fellow, North Carolina State University (2003-2006)
  • Independent Contractor and Sole Proprietor, NC and VA (2000-2004)
  • Biological Field Technician and Wilderness Ranger, US Forest Service (2002)


Professional Memberships

  • President (3-year cycle of president-elect, president, and past-president), North Central Section of The Wildlife Society (2020 – Present)
  • President (3-year cycle of president-elect, president, and past-president), Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society (2015-2018 with an additional stint as interim past-president 2019-2020)
  • Various Committee Memberships, Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society (2017 – Present)
  • General Member and Biometrics Working Group Member, The Wildlife Society (2006 – Present)

Fun Facts

Last book you read?

The Cloud of Unknowing

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Watching a student discover

Jason Riddle
Gerald and Helen Stephens Endowed Professor of Wildlife
College of Natural Resources

265 Trainer Natural Resources


Ph.D. Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
North Carolina State University

M.S. Biology
Appalachian State University

B.S. Biology
The College of William & Mary