Professor Hurlee Gonchigdanzan joined the UW-Stevens Point Department of Mathematical Sciences in 2002 after earning his Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati. Before joining the UWSP faculty, he taught a year as a visiting assistant professor for the University of Louisville. He teaches Elementary Statistical Methods, Pre-Calculus Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics.
- Limit theorems in probability theory and mathematical statistics
- Stochastic processes
Kanbir, S., Gonchigdanzan, H., Martin, P., Milkovich, M., Rohm, R., & Wetzel, N. (2022). Central Wisconsin Mathematics League: Problem & Solution Sets. MathTopia Press.
Gonchigdanzan, K. (2019). “Almost sure central limit theorems for weighted dependent sequences.” Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. Vol. 56, 2. 145-153.
Gonchigdanzan, K. (2011) How much does a Hamiltonian cycle weigh in a complete graph K6? (preprint)
Gonchigdanzan, K. (2010) Almost sure functional limit theorem for the product of partial sums. ESAIM: Probab and Stat., Vol 14, 338 -342.
Gonchigdanzan, K. (2009) How much does a Hamiltonian cycle weigh in complete graphs K4 and K5? ArXiv.org: 0907.5016v2