Professor Dona Warren joined the UW-Stevens Point Department of Philosophy faculty in 1995. She served as the department chair and the assistant dean for curriculum and student affairs. In 2019, Professor Warren helped to launch the Critical Thinking Center at UWSP, and then the general education requirement of critical thinking in 2020. Warren is especially interested in the graphical representation of reasoning and the application of critical thinking skills in both academic and nonacademic contexts. View CV
- UW-Stevens Point Eugene Katz Letters and Science Distinguished Faculty Award (2020)
- UW-Stevens Point Excellence in Teaching Award (2014)
- UW Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award (2009)
- UW-Stevens Point Excellence in Teaching Award (1997)
Warren, Dona. (2019). Review of Introduction to Logic, 3rd Edition by Harry Gensler, Teaching Philosophy, Vol. 24, No. 4.
Warren, Dona. (2008). “Philosophy and Religious Disagreements in the College Classroom,” Encountering Faith in the Classroom, edited by Miriam Rosalyn Diamond, Stylus Publishing.
Warren, Dona. (2002). “If You Say that I’m Over-reacting, I’ll Scream! – How the Concept of Over-reaction Undermines the Examined Life” Practical Philosophy.
Warren, Dona. (2001). “Healing Thrasymachus: The Psychotherapeutic Use of Dialogue,” Thinking About Dialogue.
Warren, Dona. (1999). “Externalism and Causality: Simulation and the Prospects for a Reconciliation.” Mind & Language.
- Critical thinking and productive dialogue
- Epistemology of disagreement
- American Association of Philosophy Teachers
- American Philosophical Association
- Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking
Whatever you do, try to help at least one person in at least one way.
When she was growing up, she wanted to be a stand-up comedian or actor.