Experience and Interests
- Associate Lecturer, School of Education, UW-Stevens Point (2012-present)
- Associate Lecturer, College of Natural Resources, UW-Stevens Point (2016-present)
Research Interests
- Youth Development, Organized Camp, Out of School Time, Non-formal education
- Not-for-Profit Leadership
- Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Independent For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Camp Administration with Camp Nicolet, Inc; (1989-1995; 2006-2007) and Ascension Lutheran Church Outdoor Ministry (1996-2000)
- American Camp Association – Professional Development Manager (2000-2006)
Presentations and Publications
- Scheder, C. (2020) “Waterfront management for camp and recreation settings”; 2nd edition; Healthy Learning, Monterey CA.
- Scheder, C. & Redman, E.; The Bridge Between Transformative Learning and Empowering Sustainability Change Agents in an Educational Sustainability Doctoral Program, International Transformative Learning Conference, Siena, Italy (2024)
- Chair, UWSP Diversity Council (2014-2018)
- Member UWSP Executive Council; UWSP Common Council (2014-2018; 2022-present)
- Member Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Policy Committee (2021-present)
- Member Graduate Council (2019-2021)
- Chair, UWSP Graduate Council (2022-present)
- CPS Diversity Task Force Chair (2016-present)
- UWSP Faculty Senate (2013-2015)
- University College Task Group (2014)
- UWSP Distance Education Committee (2013)
- Adviser, Wisconsin Camps Student Organization – UWSP (2011-2016)
Professional Memberships
Youth Development
- American Camp Association National Council of Leaders Steering Committee (2020-2024)
- American Camp Association National Council of Leaders (2015-2020)
- American Camp Association Wisconsin Local Council of Leaders Chair (2018-2021)
- American Camp Association Wisconsin Local Council of Leaders Co-Chair (2017-2018)
- American Camp Association Wisconsin Local Council of Leaders, Co-Chair Professional Development (2013-2017)
- American Camp Association Standards Trainer of Instructors (2006-present)
- American Camp Association Standards Instructor (2002-present)
- American Camp Association Standards Visitor (1999-present)
- American Camp Association Member (1996-present)
- Camp Nicolet Advisory Board/ Camp Nicolet Foundation Board of Directors (2001-2007)
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Outdoor Ministry National Conference Planning Committee (2000-2001)
- Mid-States Camping Conference Program Committee (1999-2000)
- American Camp Association Wisconsin Section Board Member (1999-2000)
- Camp Helen Brachman – Milwaukee Wisconsin Committee (1997-2000)
- Challenge New Mexico -An adaptive alpine ski program for individuals with mental and physical challenges (1994-1995)
Environmental Stewardship
- Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics Member (2004-present)
- Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics Board of Directors (2004-2011)
- Executive Committee – Vice-Chair 2009-2011
- Executive Committee – Secretary 2005- 2009
- Nominations/ Board Development Chair 2005- 2011
- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources Fall Migration
Fundraising Committee (2006-2011)
- The Nature Conservancy – Santa Fe, New Mexico (1994-1995)
Fun Facts
Last book you read?
Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story: Bono
Best advice you ever received?
The key to life is intergenerational friends.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Anything outdoors.
Favorite Quote?
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” – John Muir
One thing about your school that you are most proud of?
I’m a little biased but the Ed.D. in Educational Sustainability is one of the proudest accomplishments in my career. Proud to have been a part of the development team and now on the program and instructional team!
What do you enjoy most about teaching?
Engagement with students, learning from others (yep! Even on this side of the degree!), and the “ah-hah” moment when students make a connection to the content and applicability in the field.
A piece of advice for students in your school?
Trust the process, you will go through highs and lows in most endeavors but that’s how you end up with the better product in the end.