In the summer of 2018, the college launched its first Advisory Council including members from the regional community. The Bylaws state the Purpose and Objectives of the council:
The purpose of the COFAC Advisory Council shall be to assist the UWSP College of Fine Arts and Communication (School of Design and Communication, School of Performing Arts, and Suzuki programs) to achieve its primary mission to provide an excellent fine arts and communication education for UWSP students (inspire • create • achieve) and to enhance outreach programming for artistic, cultural, and educational activities that serve the Central Wisconsin community. The main objectives of the COFAC Advisory Council are:
- to provide a forum for open communication between the College of Fine Arts and Communication and members of the Central Wisconsin community;
- to advocate for programs and activities in the arts and communication among alumni, the business community, government agencies, and community members of the region;
- to assist the college in its efforts to effectively market its curricular program offerings and outreach activities;
- to assist in the recruitment and retention of excellent students and faculty to the UWSP campus;
- to engage in creative discussions and support for constructive initiatives that will enable the college to enhance its quality and reputation throughout the region and on a national level; and
- to provide financial support and assist the college in broadening its network of supporters.
If you would like to formally join the advisory council or know of anyone who would have an interest in supporting our mission, please let us know!