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Discusses the strengths and weaknesses of zoning as a tool to protect groundwater. Covers wellhead protection ordinances, zoning options for high nitrogen uses, and minimum lot sizes for homes on septic systems.

Webinar Materials

Zoning as a Tool to Protect Groundwater – Audio Only – (2024)

Zoning as a Tool to Protect Groundwater PowerPoint (PDF) – (2024)


Potential Land Use Policies for Counties to Improve Nitrate Levels in Drinking Water

DNR Wellhead Protection Ordinance

Chippewa County Wellhead Protection Ordinance (Article III)

Portage County Wellhead Protection Ordinance (Section 7.2)

Two papers about the same study recommending two-acre lot sizes in unsewered areas in sandy soils:

Wisconsin Well Water Quality Viewer – Private well data for Wisconsin includes nitrate and pesticide concentrations.

Protecting Wisconsin’s Groundwater through Comprehensive Planning

Note: this website was created in 2007, so data is old. For goundwater quality maps, use the Wisconsin Well Water Quality Viewer.

  • Groundwater policies by county in 2007
  • Example groundwater goals, objectives and policies

Well Water for Rural Residential Subdivisions

Nitrate in Wisconsin’s Groundwater, 2023