- To Play the Game – You Need to Know the Rules: Town-county relationships in zoning administration Towns and counties have separate, well-defined roles in adoption, amendment and exceptions to general zoning.
- Zoning by Kevin Struck Zoning is one tool used to carry out community goals and objectives as set forth in a comprehensive or land use plan. This compilation covers such topics as zoning powers and developing a zoning ordinance to extraterritorial zoning.
- Zoning Nonconformities Helps communities find an appropriate balance between private rights in continued use of existing development and the public purposes of new land use regulations.
- Zoning Ordinances This factsheet describes the use of local zoning ordinances to regulate land uses, densities and dimensional standards such as lot sizes, setbacks and building height limitations.
Additional Resources
Conditional Use Survey – 2020 The Zoning and Conditional Use Permit Survey was conducted by the Center for Land Use Education in October 2020. The survey responses include towns, villages, cities, counties and others includings airport, regional planning commission, and consultant representing mulitple levels of governement.