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Wisconsin Biogas Anaerobic Digester Operations: Dairy Industry Case Studies
This report is a follow up to the 2021 Wisconsin Biogas and Feedstock Survey. It explores how anaerobic digesters are used in Wisconsin’s agricultural sector. Through on-site visits and interviews, the report describes what has made three digesters successful, potential opportunities and roadblocks, and how they are moving forward. It also looks at the potential for renewable natural gas (RNG) production from dairy digesters.
Wisconsin Biogas and Feedstock Survey
This 2021 report looks to quantify and support the biogas-related efforts in Wisconsin. The survey findings highlight the current status of Wisconsin biogas facilities including operation, maintenance, and sources of biodigester feedstocks. It also identifies biogas and energy production, process by-products, as well as industry opportunities and challenges, potential supportive policies and recommendations.
​​Biogas in Wisconsin: Status, opportunities, and challenges
Biogas is a clean renewable gas locally produced from organic waste materials such as food waste, agricultural residues and animal manure, energy crops, industrial organic waste and sewage sludge. Biogas production involves a process called “Anaerobic Digestion” in which bacteria and other microorganisms break down and digest carbon rich organic materials in the absence of oxygen. This generates a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, called biogas.

Electric Vehicle Chargers

Growing Numbers of EV Fast Chargers in Wisconsin
Electric Vehicle (EV) fast chargers allow drivers to travel and quickly charge their car. Watch this short video to learn about how the number of fast chargers is growing across Wisconsin. (2024)
Ready for Electric Vehicles? (2-page)
This two-page fact sheet is intended for local government officials and the public to provide an introduction to electric vehicles (EVs), EV charging stations, and how to support EVs by including EV charging provisions in zoning ordinances.
Ready for Electric Vehicles? (20-page)
This 20-page publication is intended for local government officials and planning and zoning staff to provide an introduction to electric vehicles (EVs), and EV charging outlets. It also provides examples of how general zoning ordinances and building codes can be used to support EVs and benefit communities.
Charging Forward – A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Rural Electric Mobility Infrastructure
This toolkit from the U.S. Department of Transporation is meant to be a one-stop resource to help rural communities scope, plan, and fund electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.

Wood Energy

wood chip auguer
Exploring Wood Energy Utilization for Heating Schools in Wisconsin Progress
This study explores the potential of Wisconsin public school districts as a new market for the use of woody biomass residue in Wisconsin. Based on past use of woody biomass energy in Wisconsin, other states where woody biomass plays a major role in heat energy production, and case studies on school use of woody biomass energy, this study serves to fill a knowledge-gap in the potential use of wood energy by Wisconsin public school districts.