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FY22-2023 Summary of Activities

local government officials, staff, and community members participated in training
counties were represented
municipalities reached
active partnerships
scholarly presentations
US Dollars124,000
grants received

More about our outreach, research, and teaching:

Grants were obtained from:

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

​Lake Groups & Land Trusts Board of Commissioners of Public Lands​

CLUE partners with local and state government, educational institutions and community groups to meet the needs of Wisconsin communities:

​1000 Friends

Bay Lake Regional Planning Commission

Capital Area Regional Planning Commission

City of Nekoosa

City of Pittsville

City of Stevens Point

Dodge County

East Central Regional Planning Commission

Gathering Waters

League of Wisconsin Municipalities

NACDEP Land Use Planning Community of Practice

North Central Conservancy Trust

North Central Regional Planning Commission

Oneida County Land and Water Conservation

Portage County

Portage County Business Council

Racine County

Rock County

Stevens Point Area School District

Village of Amherst

Village of Plover

Village of Union Grove

Waukesha County

Wisconsin Chapter of the American Planning Association

Wisconsin Counties Association

CLUE faculty and staff engage in a variety of scholarship activities:


Holland, Austin, Mary Skopec, and Silvia Secchi. 2023. “Death by a thousand cuts”: Conservation stakeholders’ perspectives on protecting freshwater lakes in a tourist region surrounded by agriculture” Society & Natural Resources. DOI:10.1080/08941920.2023.2199382


Holland, Austin 2023 “The USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program in Wisconsin”. MiniTrends: Center for Land Use Education.

Roberts, Rebecca. Capital Improvement Plans: A Tool for Anticipating and Funding Community Infrastructure. The Municipality. League of Wisconsin Municipalities. July 2022.
Markham, L., Blaha, K., Michelsko, R. 2022. Wisconsin Anaerobic Digester Operations: Dairy Industry Case Studies. Stevens Point, Wisconsin: Center for Land Use Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.​​

Service allows staff to share expertise and participate in governance activities:


Institutional Review Board (Haines)

College of Natural Resources

Academic Advising, approximately 10-20 students per faculty member (Haines,)

Building Committee (Haines)

Dean’s Council (Haines)

International Association for Society and Natural Resources’ Society & Natural Resources Book Series. Editorial Board. (Haines, Chair).

International Programs Committee (Haines)

Internship Committee (Haines)

Natural Resources Institute Leadership Team, UW-Madison, Division of Extension (Roberts)

New Colleague Orientation, UW-Madison, Division of Extension (Haines, Markham, Roberts)

North Central Region Water Network, Climate Intersections Conference – (Haines, abstract reviewer)

Search and Screen Committees, Planning Professor, Climate Change Policy (Haines)

Student Research Symposium (Haines, judge; Roberts, judge)

Extension Climate Change Leadership Team (Haines)

Natural Resources Institute Leadership Team (Roberts)


American Planning Association (APA) – Wisconsin Chapter (Roberts, Planning Official Development Officer)

APA Conference Planning Team (Roberts)

Land Use Planning Community of Practice (NACDEP affiliate) (Haines)

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts, Sustainable Communities Work Group (Haines, co-chair; Blaha)

Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (Roberts, grant reviewer)

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts, Science Advisory Board (Haines)


Airport Commission, City of Stevens Point, WI (Haines)

Amherst Village Board (Roberts, Trustee)

Amherst Youth Soccer and Basketball (Roberts, coach)

Central Sands Groundwater County Coalition (Roberts, communications team)

Central Wisconsin Wild Ones (Blaha, Markham, Roberts)

Finance Committee, Village of Amherst (Roberts, chair)

North Central Conservancy Trust (Haines, board member)

Plan Commission, City of Stevens Point, WI (Haines)

Personnel Committee, Village of Amherst (Roberts)

Public Safety Committee, Village of Amherst (Roberts, chair)

Water and Sewer Commission, City of Stevens Point, WI (Haines)

Zoning board of Appeals, City of Stevens Point (Markham)