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Celebrating Our 2022 Successes

Graphic of Chancellor with UWSP Rapper's Delight on it.

Chancellor Gibson’s Inauguration Rap

Dear faculty, staff and students,

As 2022 draws to a close, let’s take a moment to celebrate a few of our accomplishments. 

I had the honor of conferring degrees on 550 graduates on Dec. 17 and 1,200 graduates in May. Commencement marks the pinnacle of what is often a transformational journey for our graduates. At every step of the way, our dedicated faculty and supportive staff helped ensure our students’ success. 

We received a record amount of gifts in 2022 that will support students in various academic programs. They include: 

In addition to gifts, we received numerous grants that will advance student opportunity and worker training in the state. Of note: 

We continue to make progress toward a more inclusive university. We do this through hiring, student recruitment and other intentional efforts, scholarships and academic opportunities for diverse students, and willingness to listen and learn from others of diverse backgrounds, identities and perspectives.  New in 2022, acertificate program in inclusive excellence is available to anyone. The Center for Inclusive Excellence opened in February on the UWSP at Marshfield campus, providing a welcoming, supportive space to the Marshfield campus and community. 

UW-Stevens Point also hosted several high-profile events this year. 

Our accomplishments in 2022 were achieved through hard work, collaboration and commitment. Thank you to our dedicated faculty and staff, and thank you to creative students who inspire us each day. I look forward to even more successes in 2023. 


Thomas Gibson, Ed.D.