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UW-Stevens Point campuses in Stevens Point, Marshfield and Wausau offer a variety of programs for eligible high school students to earn college credit.

Student walking on the sidewalk on a fall day.


At UW-Stevens Point, we take pride in helping high school students jump start their college journey by offering special programs to earn credit towards a degree. Whether you prefer to be taught in your high school or attend on-campus and online classes, choose from a variety of options to kickstart your future.

The Early College Credit Program (ECCP) is a state program that offers the opportunity for Wisconsin high school students (public, private, and charter) to earn both high school and college credit, or college credit only. Students should meet with their high school counselor to discuss eligibility. Courses must be approved by the school district/private school for ECCP.


WI DPI website
More information about course approvals, funding and reimbursement responsibilities, can be found on the DPI WI ECCP Overview.

Admission Standards:

  • Eligible students in grades: 9-12
  • 2.0 or above cumulative GPA
  • A letter/statement of recommendation from the high school is required for students who will be a freshman or sophomore at the start of the semester they plan to take ECCP classes.

How to Apply:

  1. Students complete and submit to your high school the University of Wisconsin System Early College Credit Program and High School Special Agreement Form by the following deadlines Early College Credit Program and High School Special Agreement Form. Since the deadlines are set by the state there are no extensions. Please complete all required sections and signatures. This form must be completed every semester.
    • Summer courses – February 1
    • Fall courses – March 1
    • Spring courses – October 1
  2. Students apply to UWSP as a non-degree ECCP special student by completing the UW System application. Do not pay the application fee or complete the essay.
  3. High schools send the completed ECCP Agreement Form and high school transcript to the UWSP ECCP Coordinator, Angela Schmidt at:  UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield, Attn. Angela Schmidt, 2000 W 5th St, Marshfield, WI 54449 or email On the form, all required sections, signatures, and approval boxes from the school district/private school must be completed.
  4. The completed ECCP Agreement Form, high school transcript, and UW System application are due to the UWSP ECCP Coordinator by the following dates. Documentation may be accepted after the deadline. Contact UWSP ECCP Coordinator with any questions.
    • Summer courses – March 1
    • Fall courses – July 1
    • Spring courses – December 1
  • After the application is processed, students will receive an email from the UWSP ECCP Coordinator.


  • Students can list courses on the ECCP Agreement Form that they meet the class prerequisites. Some upper-level courses (300 and above) may not be available for ECCP students. It is recommended to list alternative courses on the ECCP Agreement Form in case some courses are full before ECCP registration starts. Course enrollment is not guaranteed and subject to availability.
  • The class schedule may not be available online until after the ECCP Agreement Form is due to the high schools. Students can review previous semesters for class offerings on the UWSP Course Timetable. In the purple box under Public Resources, click on Schedule of Classes (Timetable).
  • UW Extended Campus (UWX) classes are also available. Students can register for UWX classes through UWSP. For more information about UWX textbooks, courses, tuition, etc. visit UW Extended Campus or contact the UWSP ECCP Coordinator.


  1. If seats are available, the UWSP ECCP Coordinator will register students. Below is the registration schedule
    • Summer courses – March/April
    • Fall courses – second Monday in July
    • Spring courses – second Monday in December
  2. The UWSP ECCP Coordinator will email students and high school counselors the registration status.


An approved ECCP class taken for high school and college credit, tuition is shared between the school district/private school and state. An approved ECCP class taken for college credit only, tuition is shared between the school district/private school, the state, and student/family. UW-Stevens Point will bill school districts/private schools directly and any reimbursement will be between the school district/private school and student/family.

Tuition charged per credit for ECCP courses:

  • Stevens Point courses: 33% of regular tuition
  • Marshfield and Wausau courses: 50% of regular tuition
  • UW Extended Campus courses: 50% of regular tuition

The information reflects the current process pending any legislative or institutional changes.

High school students take college courses that were not approved by the school district/private school. Students pay full UW tuition and fees.

Admission Standards:

  • Eligible students in grades: 9-12
  • 2.0 or above cumulative GPA

How to Apply:

  1. Meet with your school counselor to see if taking college courses will work with your schedule and if you are ready to take college courses.
  2. Apply to a UW-Stevens Point Campus (Stevens Point, Marshfield or Wausau) UW System online application
  3. After the application is processed by the Office of the Registrar, students will receive an email to the personal email account listed on the application. This email contains information for students to activate their accesSPoint account, complete the registration task, and register themselves online.
  4. If online consent or prerequisite overrides are required, students work directly with the department office of the course they intend to enroll in.


UW-Stevens Point will bill to the student’s account and be charged the full UW tuition and fees.

Questions can be directed to:

UW-Stevens Point
Office of the Registrar

This program is in collaboration with the Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Service Agency. High school students take college courses taught via distance learning at the high school by the UWSP instructor.

High school students take college courses taught at the high school by the UWSP approved high school instructor. An MOU agreement is between the school district/private school and UWSP.

Admission Standards:

  • Eligible students in grades: 9-12
  • 2.0 or above cumulative GPA
  • A letter/statement of recommendation from the high school is required for students who will be a freshman or sophomore at the start of the semester they plan to take the class.
  • If the school district/private school have their own enrollment standards, students must also meet those eligibility requirements.


These programs will be billed according to the contract agreement between the University and school district/private school. UWSP will bill the school district/private school and any reimbursement will be between the school district/private school and student/parent.

How to Apply:

  1. Meet with your high school counselor if you are interested taking a class and discuss if you meet the eligibility requirements set by the school district/private school.
  2. Apply to UWSP by completing the UW System online application.
  3. Request your high school to send your transcript to the UWSP ECCP Coordinator.
  4. After the application is processed, students will receive an email from the UWSP ECCP Coordinator with a decision and more information.

Send admission documentation to:

UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield
Attn: Angela Schmidt
2000 W. 5th Street
Marshfield, WI 54449

Please contact your school counselor for questions regarding cost/tuition, deadlines and registration.

1.  What classes should I take?

It is recommended for students to meet with their high school counselor and review course descriptions and prerequisites. If the UW campus course schedule is not available, looking at the course schedule from the previous year will give an idea of what may be offered. Upper-level courses (300 and above) may not be available for high school students. If you have any questions, please contact the ECCP coordinator.

Due to limited space in some classes, ECCP students may not be able to register for their first-choice classes, as classes may be full when ECCP registration starts. To have other class options to register for, it is recommended on the ECCP/High School Special Agreement Form, to list alternative classes for the school district to approve.

2.  What does an online class mean?

Online courses do not meet on campus, so you can take courses at your convenience from anywhere you have internet access. Students will need to be organized and have good time management skills to complete assignments and exams. After consulting with your high school counselor and deciding if online will be a fit, it is recommended to start with one online class.

3.  What does a hybrid class mean?

Hybrid courses are a combination of on-campus and online. Students will attend class on campus for a portion of the class and the other portion will be online. Students should meet with their high school counselor to discuss this option.

4.  What does a virtual classroom class mean? 

Virtual classroom courses are online and has at least a portion of the class held at the days and times specified using interactive video technology in a “virtual classroom.” Additional unscheduled time may be required.

5. What does an accelerated class mean?

Accelerated courses are at a faster pace and condense a 16-week course into a shortened timeframe. Summer courses are usually accelerated. Students should discuss this option with their high school counselor. Please contact the ECCP Coordinator if you have questions on whether a class is accelerated or for more information.

6.  Are there limits to the number of classes I can take?

For the Early College Credit Program, yes, 18 college credits. Students should contact their school counselor, to see if the school district will approve more than 18 college credits. Note, college courses are typically assigned more credits per class than a high school credit class.

7.  When can I register for classes?

ECCP students are registered after regular UW-Stevens Point students and the ECCP Coordinator will register you for classes, if enough seats are available. ECCP Fall registration starts the second Monday in July, spring registration starts the second Monday in December and summer registration starts mid-late March. ECCP students will receive an email with their registration status.

High school special students (self-pay) will receive an email from the Registrar Office and students will register on their own.

CESA and Concurrent enrolled students will be registered by the ECCP Coordinator. Students will receive an email with their registration status and more information about the class. Please also contact your high school regarding your registration status.

8.  How do I order a transcript from UW-Stevens Point?

Courses taken at UW-Stevens Point Campuses become part of the student’s permanent university record and may affect subsequent admission eligibility to postsecondary institutions. Information about ordering transcripts can be found at:

9.  How much are textbooks and supplemental course materials?

Stevens Point, Marshfield and Wausau campuses (ECCP and high school special students)
Textbooks are included in tuition. Supplemental course materials (lab manuals, novels, etc.) can be added to your student bill during check-out at the University Store.

CESA and Concurrent students – please contact your high school counselor regarding textbook costs.

UW Extended Campus (ECCP and high school special students)
Students should contact their high school about how they should receive their textbooks. High school special students/parents/guardians will pay out-of-pocket. Contact UWSP ECCP coordinator for more information or with questions.

10.  Do I pay for the class if I drop?

If a student drops a course or withdraws from the University, the party responsible for payment of tuition and fees will be responsible for all costs incurred to the date of the drop/withdrawal based on the University’s refund policy. Any reimbursement will be between the school district and student/parent. If the party responsible for payment of tuition and fees fails to comply with the payment schedule, finance charges will be accrued on the balance due from the billing due date.

11.  Can I enroll in multiple high school programs?

Yes, but you will need approval from your high school for the ECCP, CESA and Concurrent Programs.

12.  Any other important information?

All students must abide by all regulations, policies and procedures of the University as outlined in the University catalog, semester timetable and official University documents. These include, but are not limited to, the University drop, withdrawal, tuition refund, grading and attendance policies. In addition, all students must comply with the rules set forth by instructors.


If you have any other questions, please contact ECCP Coordinator Angela Schmidt at or 715-346-2458.

“The ECCP Program has been a great experience, providing me with college-level education while still participating in high school. I’d like to thank my instructors and advisors for their help and accommodation in this phase of my transition to college.”
Benjamin FreyerUW-Stevens Point at Wausau student


For questions about UW-Stevens Point high school programs, contact:
Angela Schmidt
Early College Credit Program Coordinator