KEEP staff offer on-site, no-cost Solar Energy Education workshops and on-demand Solar Energy Potential module. In collaboration with Wisconsin Energy Institute KEEP co-facilitates KidWind Educator Workshops each fall and participates in renewable energy education workshops hosted by WPS and CREATE. The KEEP professional development offerings help educators build confidence implementing renewable energy lessons and hands-on kits with learners.
KEEP has several hands-on renewable energy education kits that further support this focus area.
All KEEP renewable energy resources integrate with the DPI Energy Career Pathway and help students explore energy careers.
KEEP directly supports student-led energy education initiatives through the KEEP Green Team mini-grant project/initiative. In collaboration with partners we also provide technical assistance for schools planning on-site renewable energy installations.
A school, community center, or nature center are all places where educators, learners, and administrators intersect. Explore how KEEEP supports each of these stakeholders through programming and resources.
Contact or call 715-346-4320 for more information or to schedule a no-cost customized in-service through KEEP’s funding from your school’s utility provider.