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Renewable Energy for Wisconsin’s K-12 Schools

Wisconsin’s K-12 Energy Education Program fosters communication among schools with renewable energy systems and those interested in pursuing renewable energy projects in their schools. KEEP also provides curriculum and on-demand professional development for educators wishing to incorporate renewable energy concepts in the classroom.

For students, educators, school boards and other stakeholders interested in planning for renewable energy installation for a school building, explore Renewable Energy Resources for Wisconsin K-12 schools:

Mapping Renewable Energy in Wisconsin Schools

KEEP conducted an initial survey in 2009-2011 of every school district in Wisconsin to learn which schools have renewable energy systems installed on their buildings, the types of systems (including biomass, geothermal, solar photovoltaic (PV), solar thermal and wind), and when possible number and size. Funding the initial map of Wisconsin schools with renewable energy installations was completed with funding from Focus on Energy.

KEEP maintains the Wisconsin Solar Schools Dashboard. The dashboard includes solar school statistics by year, by utility provider and by funding source. Access the dashboard

The data on the map and in the dashboard are only as good as what has been shared with KEEP.  If you know of additional solar schools that should be added to the map or a solar dashboards that should be included, please email

Inventory Results & Project Locations

2021 Summary of Results

In January 2021, 142 public and private schools with installed renewable energy were mapped (above).  Four schools generated 150 kW using wind.  The remaining 138 schools generated 5.35 MW of solar electricity!  Listed below are Wisconsin schools generating at least 100 kW on site at the school:

SchoolInstalledSize (kW)County
Forest Edge Elementary School2020646Dane
Deerfield High School2018474Dane
Merton School District2019389Waukesha
Lakeland Union High School2016280Oneida
Eau Claire Memorial High School2020252Eau Claire
Eau Claire North High School2020252Eau Claire
Northland Pines High School2017230Vilas
Algoma School District2020193Kewaunee
Darlington School District2015156Lafayatte
Oregon High School2017136Dane
Washburn Elementary School2020128Bayfield
Madison West High School2020126Dane
Eagle River Middle School2017120Vilas
Solon Springs School2020109Douglas

2016 Summary of Results

In March 2016, 174 schools across Wisconsin reported renewable energy systems installed on their buildings, with 14% reporting more than one type of system. Most of the schools (145) reported a solar energy system (whether solar photovoltaic (PV), solar thermal or both).

For inquiries about integrating renewable energy into the curriculum or guidance for renewable energy installation in a K-12 Wisconsin school, 

please contact or 715.346.4770.

Solar Dashboard Lesson Series

KEEP is excited to share the full series of solar dashboard lessons created for Wisconsin educators and students!

Instructional Support

Introduction to Solar Dashboards as a Teaching Tool

Learn about how using solar energy data and dashboards in the classroom can meet your teaching goals. Whether your K-12 school has a solar array or not, solar PV generation dashboards are a powerful way to bring the topic of renewable energy to life in the classroom and connect to concepts of spatial thinking, scientific inquiry, and data literacy.

Solar Dashboard Navigation Tutorial

Learn how to how to access, navigate, and interpret information found in a typical solar PV generation dashboard.

Support for Schools

Solar on Schools

Solar on Schools, led by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), aims to help Wisconsin schools realize the financial, educational, and community benefits of going solar. The program provides a range of resources and funding to Wisconsin schools, assisting with and simplifying the solar project development process. With generous support from the Couillard Solar Foundation, the Solar on Schools grant provides public Wisconsin K-12 schools and colleges access to an in-kind module grant, valued up to $20,000.