Sentry School of Business and Economics Financial Coaching
we can help you Becoming Financially Fit
Email to set up an appointment!
Walk-In Office Hours
Noon-2 p.m.
Anderson Classroom to Career (C2C) Center
128 CPS
If you are interested in becoming financially fit, we can help! Our program offers free one-on-one financial coaching sessions from certified UW-Stevens Point student coaches that can help you with:
- Saving for a fun spring break
- Understanding student loans
- Reducing debt
- Creating spending plans
- Explaining how credit works
- Obtaining loans
- Avoiding fees with banks
- Avoiding financial mistakes
- Planning for the future
Knowing about these topics WILL SAVE YOU MONEY!
“76% of U.S. Citizens cited money and work as the leading cause of their stress.”
American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, NY
Importance of Being Financially Fit
The statistic above says it all. Not understanding money can cause unnecessary stress in our life. As a college student we have enough stress as it is. We can avoid a large amount of this stress by taking control of our finances and knowing what options are open to us. The Financial Coaching Program can help with this through peer mentoring.
Peer-to-Peer Mentoring
Our program has fellow UWSP students that have gone through financial training and are willing to talk to you one-on-one about how they can help you achieve your financial goals. They will also be happy to explain everything from how credit works to how to avoid banking fees. Our mentors want to show how you can control your financial future.
Controlling Your Financial Future
Having an understanding of finance can be the difference between not getting a loan and being able to buy the home of your dreams. It can be the difference between being able to get a car and having to bike everywhere. It can especially be the difference between having money for an emergency and having to sell your possessions to get by. Take control of your financial future and avoid the stress!
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.”
Zig Ziglar
Email to set up an appointment! One meeting with a student financial mentor could save you THOUSANDS of dollars down the road!
Grad Ready Program
The UW-Stevens Point Financial Aid Office and Attigo provide GradReady, a free financial literacy tool providing helpful information about budgets, credit basics and loan repayment. GradReady has videos, calculators and planning tools to help while you are in school as well as when you are preparing to graduate.
Create an account at the Financial Aid website or go directly to today!
Helpful Links