2019 – Moscarella, R.A., S.M.G. Hoffman, P. Myers, C.J. Yahnke, and B.L. Lundrigan. Genetic and demographic analysis of invasive Peromyscus leucopus in the northern Great Lakes region. Journal of Mammalogy, 100(2):345-353.
2015 – Stevens, R.B., K.H. Karau, C.J. Yahnke, S.R. Wendt, and R.J. Rowe. Dead mice can grow – variation of standard external mammal measurements from live and three postmortem body states. Journal of Mammalogy, 96(1):185-193.
2013 – Yahnke, C.J., T. Dewey, and P. Myers. Animal Diversity Web as a teaching & learning tool to improve research & writing skills in college biology courses. American Biology Teacher, 75(7):494-498.
Yahnke, C.J. Why grow Big? Classroom Quaarvark activity, University of Michigan available online at https://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/quaardvark/samples/123/
Yahnke, C.J. Carnivores of India. Classroom Quaarvark activity, University of Michigan available online at https://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/quaardvark/samples/122/
2011 – Long, C.A. and C.J. Yahnke. The end of the Pleistocene: Elk-moose and caribou in Wisconsin. Journal of Mammalogy, 92(5):1127-1135.
2006 – Yahnke, C.J., Habitat use and natural history of small mammals in the central Paraguayan Chaco. Mastozoologia Neotropical, 13(1):103-116.
2006 – Yahnke, C.J., Testing Optimal Foraging Theory Using Bird Predation on Goldenrod Galls. American Biology Teacher, 68(8):464-467. (Accepted April, 2004)
2001 – Yahnke, C.J., P.L. Meserve, T.G. Ksiazek, and J.N. Mills. Patterns of infection with Laguna Negra virus in wild populations of Calomys laucha in the central Paraguayan chaco. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 65(6):768-776.
1998 – Yahnke, C.J., I. Gamarra de Fox, and F. Colman. Mammalian species richness in Paraguay: the effectiveness of national parks in preserving biodiversity. Biological Conservation 84:263-268.
1997 – Yahnke, C.J., J. Unger, B. Lohr, D.A. Meritt, and W. Heuschele. Age specific fecundity, litter size, and sex ratio in the chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri). Zoo Biology 16:301-307.
1996 – Yahnke, C.J., W.E. Johnson, E. Geffen, D. Smith, F. Hertel, M.S. Roy, C.F. Bonacic, T.K. Fuller, B. Van Valkenburgh, and R.K. Wayne. Darwin’s fox: a distinct endangered species in a vanishing habitat. Conservation Biology 10:366-375.
1995 – Yahnke, C.J., Metachromism and the insight of Wilfred Osgood: evidence of common ancestry for Darwin’s fox and the Sechura fox. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 68:459-467.