Winter, Wis.
In this workshop designed specifically for DNR and county forestry professionals, we will focus on the biology, habitat requirements, and tools to implement forest management that enhance habitat for neotropical migratory birds. We will concentrate on a handful of important species and walk through their identification, habitat needs, and ideal silvicultural prescriptions. Through a combination of presentations, case studies, and field tours, participants will:
- Gain increased knowledge and identification of neotropical migratory bird species and their specific needs.
- Learn practical, applicable techniques foresters can implement to benefit those species while establishing timber sales.
- Discuss what these species (or the absence of them) mean as indicators of forest health and development.
- Find ways to speak about these species and managing for them during a certification audit.
- Explore special and/or unique habitat for neotropical migratory bird species in Bayfield, Rusk, Price, Sawyer, Ashland, and Iron counties.
- Discover bird species especially dependent on habitat in Bayfield, Rusk, Price, Sawyer, Ashland, and Iron counties.